Little bits of me

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Peggy sighed, watching Philip run around the dog park. She'd been taking care of him while John was still in the hospital. She didn't mind. It was fun to take care of the energetic golden retriever, but sometimes it just made her miss John even more.

The two had always had a brother-sister kind of relationship. They'd confide in one another and keep secrets from their respective siblings and friends and it was always great. She was actually going to see him today, and had gotten permission to bring Pip along with her, but they weren't due there for a few more hours.

Philip ran over to Peggy, and put his forepaws on her knees. She smiled, ruffling his fur.

"Hey Pip! Where's the ball bud?" She asked, looking around for the ball-on-a-rope he'd been playing with. Philip jumped down, ran off a little, then ran back. He wanted her to follow him..

Peggy sighed, and stood up. "Alright, what is it bud?" She asked, honestly quite curious. She followed Pip as he led her over to the edge of the dog park. Once they got to the far corner, he pointed at the ground with his nose. Peggy gasped softly, and knelt down to pick up what she saw.

It was a little unicorn pin with a rainbow behind it. She recognized this pin!! It was the one she'd given John when they first met in first grade!


Peggy flounced over to the little boy in the corner of the room. He looked a little funny, wearing his sunglasses inside. He had a fluffy Sheltie beside him, wearing some kind of vest thing. The Sheltie looked up at Peggy as she walked over, and nudged the boy.

"Hi!" Peggy smiled, holding out her hand to the boy. "I'm Margarita Schuyler but everyone calls me Peggy! What's your name?"

The boy jumped slightly when Peggy started speaking, and he looked over in her direction. The Sheltie nosed the boy's hand to Peggy's, and the boy shook her hand awkwardly before pulling back quickly. "H-hi.." He mumbled. "I'm John. And this is my guide dog, Kawika (A/N: It's pronounced Ka-vi-ka)." 

Peggy smiled. "He's a beautiful dog! What's a guide dog do?" She asked, sitting down in a chair beside John. She liked him already.

"O-oh.. I'm blind, so I can't see anything."

"Wait really?? Whoa--"

"Yeah.. So.. Kawika leads me around and makes sure I don't run into anything. He's really helpful." 

"Wow! That's really cool!" Peggy exclaimed, grinning. John smiled slightly. "So that's why you wear sunglasses inside?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

John nodded. "My mom says that wearing my sunglasses lets the adults know that I can't see, so they know that they need to help me with certain things." He explained. Peggy listened veryy carefully. "I can use my fingers to read. They make special books with little bumps that let me know what letter is there." He smiled slightly, seeming to be happy to have someone to talk to.

"Will you be my friend??" Peggy asked randomly. John kinda froze slightly, and Kawika placed his head on John's knee to let him know it was okay. "Please?? We'll be great friends, I promise! We can play games that you can play and you can teach me how to read with your fingers and I can help you with homework or something and it can be really fun!! Please?"

John hesitated. He'd never had a friend before.. They'd always been nervous around him.. But this girl, Peggy.. She didn't seem nervous. Heck she seemed excited!
This one answer might change his life..

"Okay." He smiled after a little bit of thinking. "We can be friends." 

Peggy smiled brightly, and hugged John gently. "Yayy!!" She squealed happily. John smiled, awkwardly returning the hug. After a moment Peggy let go, and jumped up. "Oh!! Wait a moment, I gotta grab something-" She darted off. John smiled to himself. She was nice. Just as nice as his siblings.. This would be great! Right?

Peggy returned moments later, and carefully pinned a little unicorn pin with a rainbow behind it to John's shirt. "Here! Proof of our friendship." She grinned, sitting down. John gently put a hand to it, fingering it to get the design in his head.

"What is it?" He asked in confusion.

"It's a unicorn! It's making a rainbow behind it. A rainbow is alll the colors put together and it kinda curves over. It looks really pretty! You don't mind keeping it, do you?" She asked. John smiled, and nodded.

"I'll keep it! Thanks, Peggy. I like it, even if I can't see it."

"Yay!! So now if we're ever apart you can hold into it and remember me!"

"I think I'd remember you anyways." He laughed, and she laughed along.

The blossoms of a friendship nurtured by that one little pin.
It was almost bizarre..


Heyyyyy! Soo, short chapterr?? Kindaa??

I just wanted this chapter to focus on Peggy and John's early relationship because I wanted to write abt the smol precious children sobs-

I might doodle them today if I get the chance but I've been drawing a lot lately and my shoulder kinda hurts so I might not--

One of the cons of having a screen tablet I suppose. :" D
I might have to adjust the height or smth of it in the future...


I hope to get another chapter of His Eyes up today if I can, unless I decide to shut my PC down for a while because I get too hot--

Seriously Georgia heat-humidity is fucking annoying sobs--
I'm just thankful it's been raining the past couple of days to make it really cool out. :"" D

I will say that next week, if you didn't see my message on my profile yet, I'm going to be heading up to be with my boyfriend for his graduation and it's a semilong drive so I might write another chapter on the way there or smth but no promises. That's kinda iffy atm-

But yeah, hope you like it!
Oh and Happy Pride Month!!

Stay safe, be good, take care of yourself, and wear your seatbelts.
You are a wonderful person, and you deserve to be on this world no matter what other people say. <3


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