Often end up in you

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John leaned back against the hospital bed. He hated it here. It was always bustling with activity but there was no one he could talk to. Philip usually wasn't allowed here and the worst noise was that steady beeping of the monitors. 

Seriously just that constant soft steady beep. It's enough to drive a person mad..

John was just glad that Peggy was coming to bring Philip later that day. He really needed to talk to her. Not that he didn't mind talking to his other friends, but Peggy.. Peggy was different. She knew things about him he'd probably never be able to tell Alex.

Yes, Alex knew a lot of things now. Ever since John had been able to start talking again he'd spilled a lot of his secrets to Alex because he felt like he may never get the chance again. But now the doctors were talking about getting John into some physical therapy to help him walk and stuff again. It was almost too good to be true.

But everyone was relieved to say the least. It was truly the good news they all needed.

Even despite this good news though, John really wanted to confide in Peggy about school. Neither of them were super amazing in school, but they did well enough. But now John had been stuck in the hospital for over half the semester, and ended up having his adviser drop him out of all the classes he was in because there was no way he was getting out of this hospital in time to make up all the homework before finals. Which made taking summer classes seem like the next best option..

Which honestly concerned John a bit. He and his family had made plans for this summer to be with each other before the oldest three kids parted ways. If he had to take summer classes....

He shook his head, deciding not to think about it. He sighed, resting his head on the pillow. 

He was surprised when moments later someone walked silently into the room, followed by the soft pitter-patter of a.. Was that a dog?

Wait.. Peggy and Philip!

John smiled, sitting up again and looking over in their direction. "Hello Peggy. Hey Philip!"

"Aww, darn! You heard us, huh?" Peggy asked, bouncing over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it. 

At this point John had healed almost fully. The doctors still kept the bandages over his eyes because they were unsure as to what was wrong with them still.. But his bones had mostly healed at this point and he could move around now. Very carefully, granted, but it was better than nothing.

"Yeah, you know I've got great hearing." John chuckled. Peggy smiled.

"Oh, John hold out your hand. I found somethin'." She said after a moment of comfortable silence. John tilted his head to the side slightly, but did as told. He gasped softly when he felt the metal pin being pushed into his hand.

"The pin! Wh-where did you find it?? I'd been looking for it for weeks!" He murmured softly, fingering it gently. He could still make out the design on the old worn pin. Peggy said the colors had faded greatly since he first got it, but it was still recognizable.

"Philip found it. At the dog park actually." Peggy responded. Philip leaped up and put his forepaws on the bed, poking John's leg with one. John smiled, and gently patted Pip's head.

"Thank you Pip! I wonder how it ended up at the dog park though.."

"Who knows. It surprises me that you still keep it honestly."

"This pin is special to me." John replied, expertly putting the pin onto his hospital gown. Years of pinning the pin to various things gave him quite the experience with it. "It was the first gift from a friend I ever received. And it was proof of the first true friendship I ever made that has stuck with me through the years." He smiled.

"aww.. You're too sweet for this world, John Laurens." Peggy grinned, causing John to laugh slightly hearing it in her voice.

"And you're the best friend I could ask for, Margarita Schuyler." John replied. John was literally the only person allowed to call Peggy 'Margarita' and get away unscathed. It was a blessing-

"So. How have you been?" Peggy asked after another comfortable silence, in which Philip had settled himself carefully at the foot of the bed, careful to not sit on John. He seemed to know to be gentle with the boy.

"Surviving.. Honestly that heart monitor thing is about to drive me mad.. Try just sitting here all day and night and listening to that thing. It's the worst and since I've got nothing to work me up or calm me down it's that constant rate. The doctor who checks on me.. It's Dr. Washington I think.. She said that my heart rate is at a constant 'slightly stressed' rate or something like that. She said she couldn't turn the beeping off though.. Something about needing it on to know if I randomly go downhill or something like that." John replied. Peggy nodded, and patted his arm.

"I getcha.. I'd probably be driven mad by something like that to. It's too bad they can't turn it off.." She paused a moment. "Say, wanna borrow my iPod and headphones? You know I've got good music, and you're welcome to listen to it to drown out the noise."

John smiled. "That sounds amazing, thank you so much.. Honestly Peggy it's like you're a mind reader or something. You always happen to know just what I need."

"No problemo John! Next time I come, I'll bring it with me." She replied.

The two continued to converse until Peggy realized John was starting to get worn out, and she left him and Pip to sleep, promising to come back the next day.

John fell into a peaceful deep sleep. The first one in a long time since he'd been there.



I have a lot of free time within the next few days unless something happens, so I think the next chapter will be a collection of ref sheets for all the characters. : ) I really need to get them all refs sobs-

Hecc, maybe I can get the majority done today, post it, and then update it when need be. ^^

I really wanna draw my beans and it helps if I go ahead and have ref sheets and I thought I'd share them with you guys so you know how these beans look because ye- : D

Alright, peace out guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! (yes i'm thomas sanders trash sOBS-)
If the next chapter ISN'T ref sheets, hopefully it's gay--
I need more gay for pride month sobs-

So stay safe, be good, take care of yourself, and wear your seatbelts.

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