Explanations and Requesting Syllabuses

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  "Why would you offer to let them sit over here with us?!" Angelica hissed angrily, causing Laf to squawk awkwardly and shrink back.  

"He is my cousin? I like to hang out with him?" He offered hesitantly. She huffed, unsatisfied with the answer.

"Well, congratulations smart guy, you know he's not exactly the nicest to us."

"And we don't want him messing with Alex." Peggy piped up, though she didn't sound anywhere near as angry as Angie was. "Awex is just too sweet and innocent to huwrt, isn't that wight?" She grinned, hugging Alex and using a tone of voice that made her sound like she was talking to a child. To say the least Alex didn't like it, but he didn't do anything about it, unsure if he could or not.

"C'mon Pegs, let Alex go." Eliza stated, smiling slightly. Peggy did so, but reluctantly. Alex coughed nervously. 

"Q-question.. Who was that?" He asked, looking around at everyone. 

"Thomas Jefferson and his gang of idiots.." Angelica responded, still really salty.

"Merde! I'll have you know that Thomas is quite nice merci." Lafayette responded to Angelica's explanation, salty as well at this point.

"C'mon y'all, let's not fight.." Hercules spoke up, frowning slightly. "So we all have different opinions of Thomas, there's not much we can do about it."

"If you ask me, it's Reynold's influence." Eliza stated. "I doubt he's a good influence on anyone." She was met with some murmurs of agreement.

"O-okay, so.. What do I do if I run into them?" Alex asked, nervously.

"Try to not get on their bad side." Angelica responded, still a little salty. Alex nodded, taking mental note of that before glancing at a clock on the wall of the cafe. 

"Wow, it's.. Getting kinda late." He noted. Everyone else followed his gaze, and were also surprised.

"I suppose we should be getting back to our dorms, no?" Laf stated, standing. Everyone nodded in agreement, standing as well, and saying their goodbyes. Herc leaned over and gave Laf a smol kiss, to which the Frenchman returned happily.

"Ewww! Get a room you gay nerds!" Peggy grinned, causing everyone to chuckle.

Everyone started heading back to their dorms after that, with Alex tagging along with Laf and Herc up to the college gates so they could say goodbyes there. Though soon Alex and Lafayette were back in their own dorm, sitting in the living-room type area. Alex sat with his laptop in his lap, typing away in a Word document to get the hang of the program and the typing. Lafayette sat flipping through TV channels, trying to find something good.

"Merde, nothing good is on.." Laf muttered, switching the television off. Alex chuckled slightly, glancing up at him. 

"Do you have anything to do before your first class?" He asked. Laf shook his head.

"No, thankfully. There's not much I can do until I get my syllabuses." He explained, shrugging. Alex nodded, understanding. "What about you, mon ami?"

"No, I don't have anything.. But.. You said that the Washingtons adopted you earlier, right?" He asked, and Laf nodded, confused. "Could you.. Maybe help me get the English syllabus early? I like working ahead." He smiled sheepishly, and Lafayette chuckled, nodding again.

"Oui, alright mon ami. I will do my best, but no promises."

"Thanks, Laf."

"No problem."



Writer's Block just lOVES me :"" )

I'll try to be better about updating this, but no promises XP HOWEVER, I will try to get the next chapter out soon. That'll be when John and Alex fINALLY meet, I promise. uwu

ON a side note, I recently ordered a Huion Kamvas GT 191, and that should come Sunday wHEEE
And I went with my family to get calendars and ended up getting a daily Hamilton calendar with all sorts of quotes from things Hamilton actually wrote, and with random snippets of songs. It's great, I can't wait to use it- :" D

Thank you all for being so patient with me tho <3 Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!~ And here's to a New Year coming up soon~ ^-^


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