Truth or Dare

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Peggy sat on the couch in Alex's and Lafayette's dorm. They had the whole gang over at the time, with Herc and Eliza somehow managing to find time to come over. They all decided to have a quick study session like thing, as they all had similar core classes.

Hercules and Laf had paired off, as had Angie and Eliza, and John and Alex. Peggy usually worked better solo studying, but she liked the whole having people around her. That was usually why she studied at Panera so much, just having people around her made it easier to focus since it felt like she was filling her extrovert quota for the day.

Peggy glanced at Alex and John. Philip was laying on the floor near the door, as it was less crowded over there. That, and that's where John told him to wait, just so there wasn't a trackage of dog hair around the dorm. But regardless.. Alex and John were an interesting pair. Every time Peggy looked at the two together, her 'gay-dar' kept going off like crazy. She knew that John was hella gay, they'd told each other long before. And she recently learned that Alex was bi.. She honestly thought the two looked adorable together, and she made it her mission to get the two together by the end of the year. She called it "Operation: Lams". 

The thing that really confused her was how Eliza kept looking at Alex though.. She'd notice her older sister stealing glances at the Caribbean man, a slight blush painting her cheeks. Pegs made a mental note of it, planning to ask Eliza about it later, and went back to studying.

A few hours later, everyone was pretty worn out from studying and working on homework. (Everyone had agreed multiple times that math was the worst subject as none of them seemed to have great math teachers. "Luck of the draw" as Alex had said.) But everyone agreed to call it quits for the day, and spend another hour or so just chilling and chatting. After a little while, Peggy spoke up.

"Hey, let's play Truth or Dare!" She grinned, and earned some excited grins and agreements in return.

"I'll go first." Herc spoke up, leaning back. He looked around a moment before his gaze fell on Angelica. "Angie, truth or dare?"

"Truth." She replied, grinning.

"Who is your celeb crush?"

"Oof, that's a hard one.." She thought for a moment before responding. "Hm.. Probably Lin-Manuel Miranda."

"Really now?" Herc grinned, chuckling slightly.  "Well it's your turn now."

"Alright.. Hm, Peggy, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Peggy squealed, bouncing slightly.

"Okay, I dare you... To run out into the hall, yell out "LEGGY", and run back in without anyone seeing you." Angelica responded, grinning as well.

"Deal!" And with that, Peggy darted off, spooking Philip in the process. She quickly completed the dare, and darted back to her seat to be met with stifled giggles from everyone.

After a few more rounds of these shenanigans, it was Laf's turn to dare someone. He looked over at Eliza, who (so far) had not gotten questioned very much. "Eliza, truth or dare?~" He asked, leaning forward and grinning.

"hmm,, Dare." She replied, matching his stance.

"I dare you to go and kiss your crush if he is in the room, and if he is not in the room, then I dare you to hug Alex." Eliza blushed at this. She wasn't ready to tell Alex of her crush on him, but it seems that either way she went she'd have to do something with him.

"Whoa hey don't I get a say in this??" Alex asked, mostly in a joking manner.

"Non~ For it is how I wish it to be." Laf responded, grinning.

Eliza sighed, standing up. She slowly walked over to Alex, and just awkwardly hugged him for a short moment before darting back to her seat and hiding in her vest hood. Everyone but Alex and John kinda just started giggling at Eliza's red face. Alex because he wanted to be polite, and John because he has no idea what's going on-

"wait, What happened?" John asked, glancing around to try to hear things better.

"Liza ended up hugging Alex." Angelica explained, patting her sister's back.

Eliza glanced at her watch. "Oh shit it's getting kinda late- If Herc and I are gonna make it back in time we oughta leave now." She said, looking at folks. Herc kind of panicked a little and looked at his watch as well.

"Well damn, she's right.. We'd better get going." He stated as he grabbed his stuff. He gave Laf a quick kiss, then turned to leave. "Bye folks, see y'all later!" And he l e f t. Eliza wasn't far behind him.

"See you guys!~" She waved as she left, and closed the door behind her, softening the chorus of goodbyes from everyone else.

"Well, I suppose I ought to get going too. My roommate's gonna start to wonder where I am here soon." Angelica chuckled slightly. 

"Say, who's your roomie Angie?" Peggy asked.

"A sweet girl named Maria Reynolds. Her cousin is James Reynolds, but she's honestly nothing like him." She explained, earning some nodding and 'ahhs' from the other people. "Well, I'm gonna get going." She said as she grabbed her stuff. "See you guys later!" And with that she left as well, leaving Laf, Alex, John, and Peggy alone.

"I guess it's just us eh?" Peggy asked, smiling. 

"Yeah." Alex responded. "What should we do?"

"More truth or dare?" John asked, smiling. "It was.. Really fun actually. I haven't played that game in a long time."

"Sure! I'm down!" Peggy squeaked happily. Lafayette and Alex agreed, and the four continued playing until late into the night.



Sorry for vanishing for so long before these last two updates, but here's two in one day to make up for it and apologize in advance for any lack of activity here :" )

Sorry if this is really bad though I didn't proof read much sobs-

If you notice any grammar or spelling errors (that are not spoken dialogue) then feel free to point them out. You get five awesome points for each mistake :"D

Anyway, have a great day/night, stay safe, and wear your seatbelts.


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