Future Plans

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Fedora Man paced back and forth in the dining room of the small cabin he'd found. Trench coat Man was with him.

"DAMMIT!!" Fedora Man shouted, punching the wall beside him.

"Calm down, Hamilton..." Trench coat Man growled.


"We'll figure out another way to kill off your son and my nephew, let them live. If we try anything right now, we'll be caught, and you know it James." Trench coat Man, Laurens, replied calmly.

James sighed, and nodded, sitting down in a chair across from Laurens. "You're right, Clarence, you're right.. I'm sorry I just -"

"I know. They'll be dead in due time. But now we must not worry about it. Here, I have a plan."

"Tell me." James smiled, listening carefully to Clarence's plan.


"Alex! What are you doing?" John asked, laughing as Alex put his hands over the other boy's eyes.

"Trust me, love." Alex stated simply, leading John into the room. "Now, the reveal~"

John gasped softly in surprise as he looked around. The two had just rented an apartment to stay together in, and it was beautiful.

The sleek clean tile and the beautiful greys and blues made the place feel modern and homey. It was simple, yes, but it was nice.

And the view.... Oh my gosh that view.. It was a stunning shot of New York's skyline. The sun was setting just behind the buildings, giving everything a red glow.

"Oh my gosh.. Alex it's beautiful!"

Alex beamed. "Two bedroom, one bath, a living room and a kitchen. It's all we need."

"We.. Alex we could have a family here some day!"

"That we could."

"Can we??"

Alex smiled, and kissed John's cheek gently. "I wouldn't mind it."

John giggled softly and hugged Alex tight. "I have a plan~" He purred happily. Alex blushed slightly, but smiled brightly all the same.

"Tell me every last detail~"


So!! Sad to say, but this book has come to an end!

I DO however plan on making a sequel!! You'll just have to be patient with me while I work on it. <3

I'm not sure what I will call it just yet, but I'll post something here the moment it's up so you guys can find it. ❤❤

I do want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me, and supporting this book. UwU It really means a lot to me, and it's such a good feeling to know that I've completed a book for the first time!! : DD Thank you guys so, so much. You are all such wonderful people, and I couldn't have gotten here without you. ❤❤❤❤❤

So with all that said, I hope you enjoyed, have a blessed day/night, and stay safe out there. //mwah

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