A/N: Important question!!

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Heyyy, sorry this isn't a chapter!! I might write a chapter tonight if I have the motivation later, but for now I just have a really big question to ask you all.

I've tried writing stories about my own personal OCs in the past, and have been unsuccessful due to lack of interest.

I really want to write about my characters because they all have really intricate backstories that I've been developing for YEARS and I'd love to have the chance to actually put to paper some of these backstories and help them come to life in another medium than just my art.

If anyone is interested, please let me know!! I don't want to start another thing and then drop it because no one is interested. It helps if I'm motivated for it, but it also helps knowing that people care, y'know? That's really the only reason I've kept up His Eyes, it's because people have shown that they like this story and that they care. And I thank you guys for that. <33 You guys are really the reason I keep writing this story, and have kept it coming to life.

But honestly though, would any of you even WANT to read a story about my personal OCs, even if they're in no way Ham. related?? Like these beans are (for the most part at this point) almost completely original, separate from any fandom. And whatever fandom is left in them is slowly getting pushed out to make them totally unique.

I just want to know what you guys think, and see if anyone is interested. If not, just ignore this and keep an eye out for the next chapter. If yes, please let me know!! And if you want to know more about my characters, you can stalk my dA and Scratch pages. These two sites have been the places I've put a LOT of the lore and backstories for my characters. (Especially the front page comments on my Scratch profile. I've put a LOT of lore there. : ))

Links to them both here:



These two places also have a lot more about me personally, and just random things in general if you want more stuff from me. ^^;

But yeah, I think that's it for now. Please let me know if you do wanna see stories of my original characters, and keep an eye out for the next chapter whenever that comes out.

Have a great day/night, and stay safe out there. <3

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