Love works Wonders

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"Alex?" Eliza asked, patting Alex's shoulder.

"Aallleeeexxxxx.." Peggy kinda just drew out the word.

"Alex dude, wake up already." Hercules was not okay with this situation.

"We know you're awake, mon ami." And neither was Lafayette. Dammit, they knew he was faking sleep..

Alex sighed, and rolled over, pointedly facing away from his friends that were gathered around him. He wasn't in the mood to talk, and he wanted to make that clear by being just a grey rock.

It had been three days since he'd been brought into the hospital after being nearly killed. And to say the least, Alex was not okay with being stuck in the hospital again.

"Love?" John murmured. Alex hesitated before turning to face John. 

"hm..?" Alex hummed softly to let John know he'd heard him. John still had the bandages around his eyes. The doctors said that they were nervous about removing them, as they weren't sure what was happening to his eyes yet..

"Alex what is wrong. You've been ignoring us for the past three days, and you haven't said a word to anyone. Can you please just talk to me??" John pleaded. Alex frowned slightly, feeling his heart pang with sadness hearing that pleading tone in his boyfriend's voice. But he just rolled back over and said nothing. He didn't want to talk right now, so why should they make him?

John huffed, crossing his arms. "Alexander Hamilton! You are absolutely impossible!"

Peggy snickered behind John. "Ah, Turtles, just let him be. He's probably still really worked up after what happened." Her tone went from joking to serious as she kept speaking. Wow, it's great to know that Peggy knew EXACTLY how Alex felt.



How lovely.

Alex sighed, curling up. Please just go away! He silently willed everyone.

"Oi, let's just give him some space." Hercules spoke up. Everyone murmured in agreement and left.

It was silent for a few moments, allowing Alex to think before a voice cut through his thoughts.

"Alex, please.. It's just us, what's wrong?" John murmured, carefully reaching over and patting Alex's arm. Alex hesitated a moment, before sighing.

"it's all my fault.." He murmured softly. "If I had just listened to Jefferson's warning, I wouldn't be here and Pip..." He trailed off, feeling John tense. "I'm sorry, I'm the worst boyfriend ever.." Alex muttered sourly, ignoring the tears pricking his vision. 

"alex.." John reached over and gently (and awkwardly) hugged Alex best he could. "I love you, okay? It's not your fault that this happened.. And I still love you, no matter how things turned out. Yeah, I miss Pip.. But he's in a safe place now, where he won't be hurt. It's okay."

Alex just let himself be hugged by John and comforted for a moment before rolling over and hugging John back.

"thanks hon.." He murmured softly. "i.. I appreciate you helping me."

John smiled slightly, hearing the slight smile in Alex's own voice. "Of course, my love. Anything for you."

Alex chuckled softly. "Gosh, how did I get so lucky as to have you, my jellybean?" 

"I love you Alex."

"I love you too, John."



Hope you like it anywayy :'' D

I might be a bit slow updating this book for a while yet tho. I'm trying to figure out exactly how I want shit to play out, even though I already have a super basic idea of what I want.

I hope you guys like it tho. <33


It would just make more sense as two books whee-

aLRIGHTY Hope you liked it, 
Please tell me all your theories about everything so far : )
And have a great day/night.


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