"Laurens... I like you a lot.."

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(Warning: Hella lotta sweet hurt/comfort here, your heart will melt.

Proceed with caution. And tissues.)

Alex stood there in shock as he looked at John. The other man was partially curled up on the couch, eyes squeezed shut in pain as he clutched his middle. Even from here Alex could see the ugly bruise forming. Eliza was attempting to put John's shirt back on him, having just finished applying a cream to reduce the swelling on the bruise.

Lafayette carefully pushed past Alexander, and gasped in surprise the moment he saw John.

"Mon ami, what happened??" He asked, rushing over to beside Eliza to get a better look at John. Philip, in an attempt to calm John down, started licking the blind man's forehead gently, something that usually was able to calm John down in the past.

A soft sob escaped John's lips. This just absolutely broke Alex's heart, and he darted over to John's side.

"Th-they were.. s-So mean-!" John sobbed. Alex put a hand on John's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Shh, shh, it's okay Johnny.." Peggy murmured. That seemed to calm John down enough to where he could explain what happened.

"I was just.. l-Leaving b-biology class, a-and s-some guys ca-ame and.. One of th-them pinned me to,, to the wall a-and.. they.. st-started hitting m-me, and..." Another sob escaped his lips. "Th-they said I w-was worthless, b-because I was g-gay a-and-!" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before he was smothered in hugs from his friends. They all started talking over each other, but John felt an overwhelming sense of peace and happiness from having his friends there for him.

After everyone else had broken off the hug, Alex remained hugging John. Some part of him just... Didn't want to let go. He'd felt something similar to this, with his mother.. And brother.. Long long ago. But this.. Felt different. Then it felt like he would be protected, now it felt like he would protect. It wasn't until John shifted slightly did Alex finally let go.

"Laurens, listen. I don't know exactly what those assholes said and did, but they are going to pay, you can count on it. They have no right to beat you up and say those things just because you're gay." Alex said softly. It brought a small smile to John's face.

"John, I think you're amazing just the way you are. You're my best friend! You're the one who helped me with my sexuality when I needed it, and y'know I ain't ever leavin' you behind." Peggy piped up, moving to sit on the arm of the couch and ruffle up John's hair. He chuckled softly and tried to push her hand away playfully.

"John, sweetie, I want you to know that you're still our friend, and always will be. Okay? We don't judge by sexuality, that's stupid. We judge by virtues and personality, and I'm sure I speak for all of us, even Hercules, when I say that you are completely beautiful, inside and out." Eliza smiled as she spoke, and John could hear it in her voice as he gazed in her direction.

"Mon ami, you are, how you say.. An expert on cheering people up." Laf started. Angelica kind of tagged along.

"Yeah. Whenever one of us are down, you always manage to help us feel better."

"We would never let you down when you needed us oui?"

John smiled, reaching up to wipe away the happy tears threatening to fall. "Th-thanks guys.." He murmured. He was truly happy to have such great friends, but the whole ordeal had worn him out quite a bit.

Eliza glanced at a clock on the wall, and frowned. "Ah shoot, I hate to be a negative Nancy but I've gotta get going.. If I'm not back soon my roommate's gonna flip."

"Let us drive you to your dorm then, Liza." Angelica spoke up, referring to herself and Peggy. "We'll pick up a few things for John's bruise on our way back anyways, I noticed there wasn't much of that cream stuff left." The other two Schuylers nodded and stood.

"If you don't mind, I am going to go update mon amour on this development." Laf spoke up. "Alex, would you be okay with staying 'ere with John?"

Alex nodded, patting John's arm gently. "Sure I'll stay, I'm ahead on school anyways so I think, for this, I can skip working the rest of the night." 

"Oui s'il vous plaît! And maybe you will actually get some sleep tonight." Laf exclaimed in an exasperated tone. Alex chuckled nervously, and John shifted so he was more comfortable.

Soon, the Schuylers and Laf had left, leaving only Alex, John, and Philip. Alex sighed, leaning against the couch. John was half asleep, and Philip had gone to sleep in his doggy bed after confirming that his master would be okay with Alex.

The Caribbean man turned to the blind one. He sighed, working up the courage to speak. By the time he'd done so, John was already asleep, and never heard him utter the words "Laurens... I like you a lot.."



It's nothing amazing, and not what I had planneedddd?? But I lost motivation and ehh,, Writer's block is starting to hate me??

Idk how writer's block is for anyone else, but for me it's usually having an idea as to what I want to say, or write, and not having the motivation (or people energy in some cases) to write it.

Anyway, I hope you like it :" )

And for those concerned about revenge on Reynolds and Lee, don't worry. Iiitt'sss comin'~ ; )

Bye, stay safe, wear your seatbelts, and watch out for flashfloods or snow storms or whatever other weird weather phenomena is likely in your area-


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