This isn't a chapter sORRY--

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oKAY HI SORRY I WAS WONDERING IF FOLKS WOULD LIKE TO SEE An animatic with this song based on this story???

It'll be based on some events that'll happen later in the story, but I was just listening to this song earlier and thought of this story and was like "Whelp hecc I wanna do this now--"

Soo,, Thoughts??
If enough folks like the idea, I'll make it and post it to my YouTube (Winterline13, I'm not really active there whoops) and then link it in a chapter over here :' )

hECK THO If folks wanna get in on this even, I'd love to turn it into a MAP of sorts, so long as there's enough support :' D

So,,, Yay? Nay? Thoughts or reasons why?? :" D

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