Dogs aren't allowed in libraries.

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John Laurens sighed, attempting to pull his hair up into a ponytail on his own. 19 year old John Laurens had been blind since birth, and he had long since gotten used to being teased and bullied for it. Heck, people rarely bugged him about now, since he'd stopped reacting about it.

But that didn't mean that life was easy, oohhh no far from it. There were still many things that John wished he could see to be able to do. Brushing his teeth for example. He could never tell if he got his teeth cleaned enough, and that was cause for worry in of itself. He usually didn't care much about his hair, but he liked having it fairly presentable. Hence the trying to put it up in a decentish ponytail.

Though the worst part was probably not knowing what his clothing looked like. John cared about how he came across to people, and not knowing what his clothing looks like has made him uncomfortable at times, but he's working on it.

Regardless, today was gonna be a pretty laid back day. It was the last free day before college started, and John was alone in his dorm. His roommate, who happened to be his best childhood friend and gay nerd Peggy, had just left for some last minute hanging out with her sisters. Leaving John, and his service dog Philip, alone to do basically whatever they wanted. And John planned on going to the library.

After he had finished making himself (hopefully) fairly presentable, carefully walked over to the front door. He had went around the dorm a few million times last night to familiarize himself with the place, since being in his own home, or where he'd live for a while, was usually the time when Philip could rest for a little bit. 

"Hey Philip, c'mon we're leaving." John called, grabbing Philip's harness. Philip came happily bounding over to John, nudging his leg gently. John smiled, and patted the Golden Retriever's head gently. He knelt down, and started carefully putting Philip's harness and service coat on. Once that was done, he stood and grabbed his key from the table near the door, and left.

Once outside, he sighed happily, taking a deep breath. The air smelled of rain to come, and John made a mental note to ask someone what the radar showed so he'd know when to leave the library.

Peggy had shown Philip and John where the library was yesterday, so the two knew the basics of where to go. And they were able to get back there with little problem. The moment the two stepped in the library, John smiled brightly. He always loved the smell of books, especially new ones. He walked up and down the aisles a bit before he found the braille section. He scrolled through the books for a few minutes longer before picking out a book and finding a table to sit down at. He smiled to himself as he read. Philip laid down on the floor beside him, content to sleep for a little bit. Libraries were also his chill times. Everything was going smoothly, and it was a great last day of freedo-

"Um, pardon me. Can I ask you a question?"


Alex sighed, leaning against the couch in his dorm. Lafayette had gone out to spend some last minute time with Hercules (he insisted it wasn't a date, but Alex thought otherwise). Regardless, it left Alex bored and alone in the dorm. He didn't know how to work the television, he didn't trust the internet at all, and there was only so much he could write before his laptop ran out of battery and had to sit and charge. Which was what it was doing right now. So that left Alex in the situation of needing something to do.

He'd heard that the campus had a nice library, maybe that'd be worth checking out? Yeah.. That sounds like a good idea. Alex decided, standing up. He went over to the front door to slip on his shoes, grab a jacket and his key and ID, and his little flip-phone. It was nothing fancy, but it did him well.

He left the dorm, making sure the door was completely locked, and went outside. It was a nice day out. Though it smelled like it would rain soon.. That was never good. But he ignored it, and kept on walking. He soon found the map that he'd used yesterday to find the dorms, and used it again to find the library. The library was on the other side of campus, and Alex made a mental note to make sure he left before it started raining so nothing would happen. The dorm may not be home, but he'd feel safer there than in the library.

And so he started off, humming a tune happily to himself. It was probably some song he'd heard on the radio recently, it was catchy but he couldn't remember much but the chorus. As is the way with hearing a song once.

Regardless, he soon reached the library and walked in. Alex had always loved the feel of libraries. Usually they had a calming brown or orange hue to them, and always smelled of new books. And this library was no different. He looked around happily, and soon spotted another person. Another person... And his dog??

This confused Alex. He'd seen a sign for no pets allowed on campus, so what gives? Did he have special permission? Was he just here to visit? Alex didn't notice the dog's service coat, nor did he notice how oddly the person was reading the book. He just walked over, and decided to ask what was going on.

"Um, pardon me. Can I ask you a question?"  



Hey it's progress, okay? :" )

Also I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm too lazy to check for grammar or storytelling errors, so feel free to point those out to me.
You get five awesome points for each error POLITELY pointed out u-u

Also I apologize if I'm suddenly slow to update this, sudden motivation to write just hit me for this chapter :" )

Though I will say, thank you for actually taking your time to read this, it does mean a lot to me. <3
Just know that you are wonderful, and I love you <33

Alright, have a good day/night, wear your seatbelts, and don't stay up too late if you have things to do tomorrow :" )

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