Live Like You're Loved

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Dedicated to anyone going through a rough time right now, or whenever you read this.
My heart goes out to you. Live like you're loved, because you are. <3
Cause I love you
And God loves you.
You are loved, hon.
Stay strong, and keep on fightin'. 
You'll make it through. <33

Alex sighed, walking into the sanctuary of the Kings College nondenominational church. Towards the front few rows of pews were a fair number of college students and a few of the teachers and counselors, most of whom Alex knew of or had met before. And almost all of which Alex had kind of expected to see.

George Washington - English 1102 and American History professor. Alex's English 1102 and American history professor at that-

Benjamin Franklin - Physics professor. Alex had him first semester, he was pretty cool.

Sam Adams - Counselor. Alex hadn't met him before, but recognized him from various events.

Patrick Henry - Communications professor. Alex had him first semester, he was really interesting. 

Abigail Adams - Counselor. Not Sam Adams' wife, but John Adams' wife. Alex had met her the week before when he went to her office for some peace of mind. She was really nice.

The students were a little more.. Interesting. Not many there Alex was expecting.

Thomas Jefferson - 'Frenimy'? They weren't exactly friends, but with how Thomas had been acting lately they weren't exactly enemies either.

James Maddison - Pretty much the same deal.

Peggy - Alex just wasn't expecting her since she usually didn't go out anywhere in the evenings.

Aaron Burr - A year older than Alex, but in similar classes. Alex had run into Burr a few times in the hallway, but the two had never actually talked aside from group projects. Burr was.. Interesting.

Angelica - She was probably with Peggy, Alex assumed. 

In the very front row there was some girl Alex didn't recognize, but when he blinked a moment, she was gone. Alex hesitated. What happened there??

He paused a moment before shaking his head and heading over to the group of students and teachers. He was almost instantly greeted by Mrs. Adams, who went over and hugged him in a motherly way. 

"Alexander! Pleasure to have you here, hon!" Mrs. Adams smiled brightly as she let Alex go. He smiled awkwardly in return.

"heh, Thanks.. Jefferson and Madison invited me to come, and I decided I may as well at least check it out." He replied. He was surprised by Mrs. Adams' practically starry eyed expression.

"Ohh, those little sweethearts~ I'll have a word with them later about this, they'll understand. It's good to have you here, hon! We're about to split up into small groups, so you made it just in time!" She grinned, and dragged Alex over to Jefferson and Madison. "Here boys!~ Alexander is going to join your group."

Alex hesitated. Was she really putting him with the last folks in this room he'd want to be stuck with? Yup, apparently. But there was something.. Weird about Jefferson and Madison now. They seemed more.. Friendly, open almost. It's like they seemed like completely different people now.

Thomas smiled brightly, and stood up. "Alex! It's great to see you here! I'm glad you could make it." He took Alex's hand and dragged him down to a seat on the pew, all in one graceful, swift motion. It left Alex stunned, and slightly dizzy for a moment.

"o-oh, um.. th-thanks?" He stammered, trying to get rid of the dizzy feeling.

Madison turned to Thomas and signed something, to which Thomas translated. "Hey, James was wondering if you were okay. ... You okay?" 

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