Stress of Worry

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John sighed shakily, curling up slightly on the hospital bed he'd been stuck on for the past few months. Everyone had just left after explaining what had happened to Alex and Pip. It left John heartbroken, hearing that his best companion had been killed and his boyfriend had been hurt so.

Everyone had gone to give him a little bit of space, and now he was alone again. Nothing felt right anymore.. Was there a silver lining anywhere?

"John?" A soft voice asked. Peggy.

He glanced in her direction to let her know he'd heard her. "hm?"

Footsteps walked towards him, and the bed shifted as Peggy sat down on the edge of it. "Are you gonna be okay, bud?" She asked, patting his shoulder gently. He shrugged slightly and went back to his previous position, facing away from her.

"i.. P-peggy, I'm scared.. Is the universe just gonna keep taking people from me? I-.." He sniffled, and curled up more. Peggy just rubbed his arm gently.

"It's gonna be okay, Turtles." She murmured.

"Is it? Cause it doesn't feel like it.." John muttered sourly. 

"John Laurens, I swear I'm gonna make sure it's okay." Peggy vowed. The seriousness in her voice made John smile just a little bit. 

"well.. I'm glad you believe.. You'll just have to believe for me too.."

"So long as you have some faith."

"Isn't that the same thing as believing?"

"Not really..? But kinda??"

"well.. I guess I can have a little faith.. But I'm not sure what God plans to do with this situation.. So unless He's trying to toughen me up more, I see no point in it.." John sighed, rolling over onto his back. He felt Peggy shift as she shrugged.

"He works in mysterious ways. I'm sure God knows exactly what He wants to do with this. It might just.. Take a bit." She ventured.

"here's to hoping then.." He glanced away. "Thanks Peggy, I really needed someone to talk to right now." He murmured after a moment of silence.

"Of course John, I couldn't let you fight this alone." She replied, the small smile in her voice causing John to smile a little too.

They kept talking for a while, just getting lost in memories in an attempt to make themselves feel better.
It was nice, to say the least. Definitely something the two needed.

Hopefully the next day would bring some good news..



Also John is finally gonna get out of the hospital soon, at least for a little bit. He kinda needs to tbh-  owo""

And someone please wish me luck I have a speech tomorrow on service dogs and my powerpoint is beautiful but i'm also nervous af cause it's a 4-6 min speech and eVERYTIME WHEN I PRACTICE I reach just before that 6 min mark and it's nerve wracking af-

:" D

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there. //mwah

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