Mocha Eyes

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Alex sighed happily, walking beside John. Philip had a vet appointment that afternoon and needed a little bit of bloodwork done, so the vets had to keep him for a few hours. In the meantime, Alex led John wherever they needed to go, letting John hold his arm. It was sweet.. Romantic, some could even say.

But the two were heading for the Campus Library, in search of some good books. Audio, braille, normal, or otherwise. They just needed something to distract them from the stress of finals coming up.

So that was fun-

But they agreed to grab something real quick then meet up with the Schuylers, Laf, and Herc at Peggy and John's dorm to tell their friends that they were dating.

"Alex?" John's voice broke through Alex's train of thought.

"Yes, love?" Alex replied, looking over at the slightly taller man.

"What color are your eyes?" John asked, seeming someone nervous. Alex could understand why, it was a somewhat random question.

"My eyes are brown. Though I've been told they're more of a mocha brown.. Why?"

"Just.. Wondering." He mumbled in reply, seeming to think that answer over. Alex decided to leave it be. He was used to John asking about random things. He had once, recently, been asked to describe the entire campus.

All of it.




And it totally didn't take all day and then some, nope. Not at all.

Alex didn't mind, but it did confuse him quite a bit when John had requested that, he'd honestly never expected the question to come up.

But anyhow, they soon reached the library, and went off towards the audio book section to try to find something good.

Here's to hoping, the audio books were rarely interesting..

Timeskip brought to you by Pandora constantly crashing : )

John and Alex were now on their way back to John and Peggy's dorm, with both of them holding different books on American history.

Well, technically it was the same book, just one was braille and the other was print, but still.

John sighed softly, thinking back on what Alex had said earlier.

  My eyes are brown. Though I've been told they're more of a mocha brown..  

That had to mean something. The boy that kept showing up in his dreams had those beautiful dark eyes.

Was that Mocha Brown? Like Alex's?

John kind of gnawed on his lip slightly, thinking. Were his dreams prophetic? Did they mean something big? Or were they just purely figments of imagination?

Would he ever know?

A voice cut through his train of thought. More like a scream.



>: 3333333


But not sorryyyy

Oceans rise,
Empires fall!
We have seen each other through it allll.
And when push
Comes to shove
You'll have to wait a day or more..
To see
>: D

Honestly though I'm not sure when I'll update next??
I'm going on a field trip with my biology class tomorrow and won't be back until late Saturday, but then after that is finals and then summer semester starts up and it's just a huge mess.

I think for the next.. Actually for the next few years I'll deff be bogged down with work, simply because I'm a sophomore taking college classes (dual enrollment). I'll graduate highschool in 2020, then be off to college. After that...
I really don't know.

If I'm being honest?
The thought of having to get my ass out there and actually face the world
Do shit adults do
It scares me.
I don't wanna mess up, I wanna do shit well.
I just
I dunno, it's just really scary to me and I don't know what to do about it.

But anyway, enough with my rambling.

Next chapter will be one that'll hitcha in the feels.
Literally. >: ))

I do have a question for y'all though.. What kind of happy ending do you think I've come up with?~
I promise this story will have a happy ending XD
I'm just curious to know what you guys would do if you had to pick up the story from this point, if that makes sense. : 0

I hope you liked it, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there.

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