The Sequel!!

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Hello all!! I am happy to announce that the sequel to His Eyes, His Heart, has now been posted! You can find the book here. <3

Thank you all so so much for all the support you've given my Blind!Love babies. I love this story so, so much and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me make this story a reality and share it with so many. <3 You all are totally amazing and I could never have gotten this far in the story without you. uwu

I find it so incredible that you people would take the time to read a story that started from a simple hypothetical question, "What if John was blind from birth and met Alex and they fell in love, then John gets really hurt but miraculously earns his vision?", haha.

Thank you all so, so much again, and here's to another book of the Blind!Love Lams bbys <3

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