Hey, listen!

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Alex sighed as he stood next to John's hospital bed. It had been a few months now, since the accident. The police had long ago explained that there wasn't much they could do if the driver who hit John used a stolen car..

But it had been three months. And John showed no sign of waking up. Not even after the doctors had taken him off the coma inducing medication nearly two months before..

Alex sighed, silently willing himself to not cry. Not here, not now..

After a short while of fighting with himself, Alex looked back up at John. For a moment, he could have sworn he saw John twitch. Alex sat up straight, and watched John hopefully.


His hand twitched.... OH FUCK HIS HAND MOVED--

"oh shit- J-John?? Baby, can you hear me?"

Nothing. For a short moment.. Then a small smile made it's way to John's face. Alex absolutely beamed, glancing up at the doctor who had come in to check on them.

"Is Mr. Laurens awake?" The doctor asked in surprise.

Alex nodded slightly. "I think so. He's responding to me at least."

The doctor, Dr. Rhinestone Duaf, started checking John's vitals. After a few moments, she smiled at Alex.

"Well, Mr. Hamilton, it seems John's finally out of his coma. I'm not sure how much he'll be able to respond to you, but he can still listen." Alex nodded.

"Thank you.. Thank you so much." He smiled brightly, and took John's hand gently, turning to the injured man. "Hey John.. My jellybean. I know you can't do much right now, but honey I want you to know that I love you so much. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

John's smile widened, and he turned his head slightly in Alex's direction. Jellybean.. Mocha eyes had called him jellybean. It was a cute nickname. He liked it. It had a nice ring to it.

John heard Alex sigh, and continue talking. "I'm so sorry for what happened, John.. I should have done more to protect you. I know what you'll say, everyone's been saying it. 'I shouldn't feel sorry because it's not my fault.' .. I just can't help but feel sorry and guilty, because you got hurt. You're my everything, and I let you get hurt.." John's heart broke into a million pieces, hearing Alex apologize for something he didn't even know about. He paused, frowning. What had happened??

Alex tilted his head to the side slightly. Did John know what happened? .. "You don't know what happened.. well.. Some asshole decided to try to kill us with a stolen truck, and you shoved me out of the way and got hit by the truck.." John could hear Alex swallow nervously. He could understand why, that was a lot to take in.. It would explain why his everything was throbbing with a numb pain..

"I'm sorry jellybean.. When you're better, I'll hug and cuddle you for ages." John could hear the smile in Alex's voice, and it made him smile in return.

The two basically stayed like that, Alex catching John up on everything that had happened in the past three months. They continued talking until ICU visiting hours closed.


Hey lookie, John's awake : DD Sweet jellybean boi ♡

So this is a touch long. XD kinda needed to be -
Hope y'all don't mind. :" D Anyhow, I'm not sure if I'll be posting anything any time soon after this. These past few chapters were just fire posts, due to being on a field trip that required a l o t of driving. :"" 3

I'll pro'lly be home in a couple of hours. No garuntee that I'll post another chapter in that time, but wait and see..~ ^^

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, have a great day or night, and stay safe out there! // mwah

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