The Storms of Life

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Alexander sighed as he walked up the stairs to his dorm. It had been almost a week since John had woken up, but he was still having a lot of trouble communicating other than the little bit of facial expression he was capable of. 

That, and finals were starting and everything seemed to just be going downhill. Alex had always been ahead in his homework, heck even now he was done with turning in everything. The biggest thing was studying. And it was starting to drive him crazy how he couldn't retain information well anymore.

Y'see, due to how he hit his head on the sidewalk, Alex ended up with Post-Concussion Syndrome. He wasn't that bad off, according to the doctors, but it was affecting him. He could hardly sleep any more than he'd been able to in the past, it was hard to remember things now, and Alex felt like his anxiety was reaching an all time high every day.

Loud noises were suddenly triggers for him. Not bad, but enough to make him just really restless and disoriented, and even more unable to focus. So Alex usually tried to avoid the cafeteria during rush hour, and would just come in late, grab his food, and head back to his dorm.

Lafayette was fully aware of how Alex felt, and was trying his best as a friend to help, though he discovered pretty quickly after Alex returned to the dorm after being allowed to leave the hospital that just being a shoulder to lean on was often enough.

Alex took a sip of his coffee as he pulled out his dorm key and opened the door. "Hey Laf, I'm back."

"Bonjour, mon ami. I trust you found what you needed?" Laf looked up from the couch with his laptop at the obviously really tired man.

"Yeah, just needed some coffee and a paper from Washington. I knew I misplaced it somewhere, and turns out I left it in his classroom." Alex replied, plopping down on the couch beside Laf and grabbing his own laptop from the coffee table. "Reynolds and Lee showed up though, so I kinda booked it after that.. Ended up getting a little vertigo because I moved so fast, but I didn't puke or anything that time so I'm good."

Oh yeah, vertigo was another problem, often showing it's ugly face whenever Alex moved too quickly. 

Lafayette clicked his tongue softly, frowning. "Oh mon dieu, Alexandre .. We need to figure something out about that vertigo. Maybe Eliza knows something that could help?" He asked, glancing at Alex who just shrugged in response.

"maybe.." He sighed, setting his coffee on the coffee table. "I just wish that--" He was cut off by lightning outside and loud thunder. 

Oh no.. No no no no no.. Not here, not now!! Stupid-fucking-storm, go away please! Alex thought to himself. Lafayette glanced at the Caribbean man and frowned. Alex was hella pale and shaking like a leaf..

"Petit lion, ça va?" Laf asked, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder, and taking the laptop off of Alex's lap so it wouldn't fall off. Another boom of thunder broke Alex, and he just buried his face into his knees and sobbed.

Why did there have to be a storm today?!


Alexander and James sat in the tree as the rain and wind took out their fury on them. Below, dark murky water rushed by quickly, swallowing near everything in it's path.

Alex sat on one branch, James on one just next to him. Both clinging onto the tree for dear life. 

A particularly strong gust of wind blew through, causing the tree to shake violently. Alex lost his grip on the tree, and was plunged into the water.

"JAMES!!" He screamed.

"ALEX!!" He heard. That was the last voice he heard before he fell under water.

He was whipped left and right, constantly smacking into random things. Struggling to keep his head above water.

The rain. The waves. The wind. 

It was too much.

It felt like days had gone by before a loud whirring noise cut through the sound of the rushing river. Alex managed to look up, and..
Is that what a helicopter looks like??

The helicopter moved to be constantly above Alex as a person hooked up to a rope dropped down to him. He managed to grab Alex's hand, and pulled him up. Alex instantly clung to the stranger. He didn't know why, something just told him to do that as he coughed over and over again trying to catch his breath. An echoy voice came through the sound of the hurricane.

"There now bud, just breathe, it's okay. I got you."

"I got you, it's gonna be okay."

"It's okay Alexander, you're okay."


"Respire, Alexandre. Ça va. Je vous ai compris." Lafayette's voice broke through the flashback. It took Alexander a moment to realize he was crying, and clinging onto Laf. That must have happened during the flashback..

Alex shuddered slightly, and held onto Laf tighter. He was his anchor, and that was nice.. Usually Alex would fight through these attacks on his own.

"There now, mon ami.. It's okay, I got you." Laf murmured, rubbing Alex's back slightly. The storm was still going on outside, but it was nice to have Laf there for him.

"th-thank you.." Alex managed to croak out before a clap of thunder sent him shaking like a leaf again.

"Shh, there now it's okay mon petite lion. It's okay. You are welcome mon ami."

A knock on the door a few moments later broke Alex out of another flashback, and he and Laf glanced up at the door.

"Who is it?" Laf called out.

"Eliza. I.. Have some news.. May I come in?"


>: 333

No I'm not going to tell you the news a chapter early.

it has something to do with jefferson and maddison--


Anyway, seriously not sure if I'll update again until next weekend thanks to finals.. Soo I hope you liked this "spam update" of like two chapters a day these past few days lmao. 
Don't expect anything like this again. >:" 3

I hope you liked it though, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there.
Also do your homework and turn in anything that may be late because a late grade is better than a missing grade--

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