The Schuylers, Coffee, and New Faces

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(A/N) I'm so sorry it took so long to get y'all this part, I've been focusing on homework. XP Finals are fun amiright?
I do post art semi-daily though, so if you want stuff from me more often than once or twice a month, you'd best check my Daily Drawings book :' )

Anyway, on with the story uwu


It had been about an hour since the three boys had started the tour, and they were now on their way to meet up with the Schuyler sisters for coffee.

"So, uh.. What are these Schuyler sisters like..?" Alex spoke up hesitantly, almost jogging to keep up with his taller friends. Herc chuckled.

"Well lemme tell ya, Philip Schuyler, their dad, is LOADED." Herc replied, stretching. Laf looked being taken aback.

"Hercules please! Soyez un peu plus poli." Laf exclaimed, frowning.

"Beg pardon?" Herc said, grinning. Alex decided to translate.

"He said 'Be a little more polite'." Alex explained.

"Ohh. D'oh alright Laffy Taffy, if you insist~" Hercules grinned at Lafayette, who only frowned grumpily. "But honestly Alex, the Schuylers are the rich popular kids of school. But they're sweet as fuck. Peggy is like everyone's crazy little sister, Angelica is the eccentric out-there girl, and 'Liza's honestly the sweetest, kindest person you'll ever meet." Herc explained, earning a nervous nod from Alex.

"Do not worry Alex, the Schuyler sisters will love you, I guarantee it." Laf said, trying to ease Alex's fears. Alex nodded again, less nervous now.

"Alright.. If you say so." He murmured as the three boys entered the cafe.

"LAFAYETTE!! HERCULES!! NEW PERSON!! OVER HERE!!" A voice shouted the moment the three walked in. Alex turned to the source of the voice to find a girl about his height standing and waving from the corner of the cafe. She had dark-cream skin, and dark-chocolate, super curly hair pulled into a pony tail. She was wearing a pastel yellow crop-top, with a white t-shirt underneath, along with a slightly less pastel yellow skirt and dark blue calf-length leggings, and sockless sneakers.

"Peggy, pipe down!" This person stood next to the first girl, and was taller. She had similar colored hair to Pastel Yellow, and it was almost just as curly. She was wearing a pastel pink tank-top, and a crop-top denim jacket, along with denim shorts and sockless sneakers as well.

"Calm down Angelica, let Pegs be." The last girl that spoke was sitting in one of the chairs. She was wearing a pale-blue shirt and matching knee-length skirt. Her dark hair had a blue tint to it, and it was straight as a ruler, reaching down to her back. All she wore complimented her lighter complexion.

"Angelica! Eliza! Peggy!" Laf exclaimed, darting over and hugging Pastel Yellow. She squeaked happily, returning the hug.

"The Schuyler sisters!" Herc exclaimed this time, darting over as well, pulling Alex behind him.

"Hey boys!" Pastel Pink said, smiling. "Hey new kid. What's your name?"

"M-me?" Alex stammered slightly, blushing when the girl nodded. "Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait." He grinned slightly. "But please, call me Alex."

"Alrighty then Alex. I'm Angelica Schuyler. These are my younger sisters, Eliza," She motioned to Blue Dress. "And Peggy!" She motioned to Pastel Yellow, still in the death-grip-hug of Laf's (and returning said hug).

Alex waved to the three sisters. "Nice to meet you all." He said, smiling. He didn't notice the faint blush on Eliza's cheeks as she maybe possibly ended up staring at his beautiful, radiant eyes.

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