Oh, would you be so kind..

546 23 10

As to fall in love with me
Y'see, I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will,
Please fall in love with me~

Eliza sang the words so clearly and beautifully, it almost felt like the song was written for her. Lately, she'd been singing this song and listening to it over and over again. It just.. Fit so well to how she felt.

She felt the blush rise into her cheeks as she thought about how this song fit her, and a very certain Caribbean man..

Yes, okay, so she had feelings for Alex. But she was pretty sure he would never feel the same. She knew he was bi, so while there was a chance, it was getting smaller every day. She'd seen him looking fondly at John.. It felt like he was doing that a lot more recently. Heck, he'd told her in person that all he wanted was to protect John from ever getting beat up again.. And the way he said it..

No matter, there was still a chance, and if there was a chance she'd go for it. Every time she was in the same room with him, she just felt so helpless. Something kept telling her that they were meant for each other, that it was fate..

I'll just talk to him.. We agreed to lunch, and today.. Today, I tell him. Eliza told herself, finishing gathering up the last of the picnic lunch she'd put together. She and Alex had agreed to go take a walk in Central Park, and go down to the Willow Pool (a/n, totally making stuff up here, don't take my word for any of the layout of central park sobs-). It was Eliza's favorite place to go with her mom when she was little, and she thought it'd be nice to go and revisit some memories.

I think, it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere!
Wanna share?

15 minutes later and Eliza was sitting on a bench near the park entrance where she and Alex agreed to meet. She pushed down her nervousness as the minutes ticked by, and not 7 minutes after their agreed meeting time Alex finally showed up.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Eliza!" He said, clearly out of breath, probably from running. "I just lost track of the time and that essay was really important and-" He shut up when she stood and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about it, it's fine. It's Saturday anyways, and neither of us have anything else planned for the day, it's totally fine." She grinned, just happy to see Alex there. He smiled awkwardly, and they started towards the Willow Pool.

Let's write a story..
Be in my book!~
You gotta join me on my page.
At least take a look~

It wasn't long until Eliza and Alex were sitting on a picnic blanket draped over a flat rock that overlooked the pool, under a willow. Alex was nomming on a turkey and cheese, while Eliza had a peanut butter and jelly. Alex had told her he had a small allergy to nuts, and while it wasn't very bad, it was enough to make him extremely uncomfortable when he ate nuts. He could be near them, and a little bit was never a huge deal, but he usually tried to avoid it when possible anyways.

"So.. You said that you and your mom came here?" Alex asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence. Eliza nodded, swallowing her mouthful.

"Yup! Momma loved to take me here. This is our rock, we always sat here when we came for picnics." She explained, glancing around the area fondly. "It's where we came to celebrate birthdays, to mourn the loss of various pets over the years.. Or just to be still and meditate almost. It's here that Momma taught me about different herbs, because a lot grow naturally around here actually. Though they're not the best to use, because of all the smog and stuff in the rest of New York." She said. Alex nodded slightly when she finished. "What was your mom like, Alex?"

He froze, and looked away. "... She was great.." He murmured sadly. After a moment, a sad smile crossed his face. "She brought me to the beach when I was little, she made sure my brother always got to the 'school' on time.. She brought me and my brother to Church on Sundays.. It was run by a couple of American missionaries. Heck, she was there when I was baptized. Oh, I'm Methodist by the way." He mentioned the last bit kind of offhandedly. Eliza nodded slightly. "She was there when I was sick.. And.. She got sick too..." He looked down sadly, frowning. Eliza kinda guessed what happened.

"O-oh.. I.. I'm so sorry Alex.. I never knew- I wouldn't have.. I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry.." She murmured, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder gently. He chuckled sadly.

"I-it's okay.. I've mourned her loss long ago, but it still hurts a little to think of that time.." He explained. "I've gone through a lot, but.. It's those bad things that have made me who I am, even though I would change some of them.. Put them at different times, maybe, just so I could have a few more days with my family." Eliza nodded again.

"Thank you for telling me, Alex." She murmured. "If you.. Ever needa vent or anything, I'm here." She smiled at him, and he chuckled softly.

"Alright, Doctor Schuyler. Honestly, you act like a therapist." He grinned, and she returned it.

"I actually considered going into child psychology and become a school counselor, but I felt the Lord telling me my calling was else where. Oh, I'm Baptist by the way." She stated. 

"Hm. I never would have guessed."

"Yeah, I'm a little laid back about it.. Honestly though I'm looking towards trying some other denominations, I just don't feel like Baptist is working for me anymore. That, or my Church is weird.." She chuckled.

Do me a favor,
Can your heartrate rise a little?
Oh would you be so kind
As to fall in love with me?
Y'see, I'm trying..

After a few more minutes of talking, the conversation got around to relationships and orientations.

"So.. You said you were bi the other day.. Is that the complete specifics?" Eliza asked, glancing at Alex. He shook his head.

"No, I'm technically Demisexual Demibiromantic." He explained. "I'm not the quickest to fall in love, heh.. What about you?"

"Straight as a ruler. Though I honestly don't care what my lover is." She said, glancing at Alex. 

"Hm." Was all he said, seeming to think that over.

I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere!
Wanna share?
I like you 
But that's not enough..
So if you will..

A few more minutes later, and Alex had determined it was about time he got going. The two had been out for almost three hours anyways. They finished packing everything up, and were saying goodbye.

"So.. See you around Eliza." Alex grinned, and gave Eliza a quick side hug. He waved as he left, leaving a lovestruck Eliza in his wake. She waved back awkwardly, trying her best to hide her blush.

"Please fall in love with me.." She sung softly to herself as she left the park. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, even though she never did confess.. But that was fine, some other day, she decided. Some other day I'll tell him.




I hope you like it anyway!~

And yes, I know this is supposed to be a Lams book. This is all part of my master plan >: 33

and ain't nobody stoppin' me--

Also, I'd like to say that a lot of what I did for Eliza is kind of like me. I did want to be a school counselor at one point, but I do feel like my calling is elsewhere. :' ) Specifically graphic design.

Anyway sorry if you had no cares for that fun fact feel free to forget it it's just something interesting about me :")

Anyhow, hope you have a great day/night, stay safe out there, and wear your seatbelts <3

(WORD COUNT: 1393)

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