Suspicious Activities~

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Trigger warning - Gay hate/homophobia ahead, sorry!!
Basically, some guy in a trench coat and a fedora convinces Reynolds and Lee to help him harm Hamilton and Laurens, and Thomas and James kinda just go along with it reluctantly  because they want to stay alive long enough to relay the information to everyone.

"Alright, you dragged us out here.. You gonna tell us what's going on?" Reynolds growled at the man who had gotten him and his group to come out to the woods to talk. He was a tall man, with a brown trench coat, collar up, and a dark fedora pulled down to cover his face.

With Reynolds was Lee, Thomas, and James. None of them, not even Reynolds, looked too happy about being out here.. But Reynolds had insisted, as Fedora-Man had spoken of two of his least favorite people in the world.

Alexander Hamilton, and John Laurens.

Fedora-Man smiled. "Well, boys.. I need your help. There are two people who have done me wrong, and I was wondering if you could.. Help me right this wrong." He explained. The other four waited. "Hamilton and Laurens, those gay sons of bitches.. They've both done me wrong. Hamilton because he's not listened to me all these years, and Laurens because he's convinced Hamilton that the gay way of life is okay."

Reynolds and Lee both smirked, while Thomas and James exchanged confused glances. 

"What are you wanting us to do?" Thomas asked, crossing his arms. Reynolds glared at Thomas, but said nothing. 

"I'm going to need your help killing those two." Fedora-Man growled, grinning. Reynolds and Lee grinned in return, and Lee cracked his knuckles. 

"Are you sure killing them is the right answer?" Thomas asked. "They both nearly died recently, almost getting hit by a truck. I'm pretty sure the two are resilient."

"Yes.." Fedora-Man growled, his expression darkening. "I was the one who tried to hit them with a truck. And damn it all that blind asshole Laurens pushed Hamilton aside! Little bastard.." He muttered. "Which is exactly why I need your help. I've tried a lot of ways to kill the two, focusing on Hamilton mostly.. Poison. He refuses to eat or drink that day. Snipers. They all back out when they see who they're trying to get at. Had to kill all of them. And that truck.. Damn it all! That truck.. I'll never succeed on my own it seems. But.. With you four helping me.. I have a chance."

Reynolds laughed evilly, stretching. "Aw man, dude this'll be a piece of cake. We know how to get folks outta camera range to beat 'em up. We'll get that Hamilton son of a bitch first and kill him, then maybe his wittle boyfriend will die of a broken heart. Little gay bastard's still in the hospital anyway, not much we can do with that." Lee nodded in agreement. Fedora-Man smiled.

"That works perfectly for me. I'll reward you four handsomely as soon as those two are killed." He turned to leave. "We'll be in touch."

And with that, he left, leaving the four boys alone to decide their game plan.

"Well, I think Reynolds's idea of beating Hamilton up and waiting to see if Laurens dies of a broken heart is a good one." Lee stated, grinning brightly. "When will we do this?"

"Saturday. Hamilton's friends are all planning on going out somewhere.. Some amusement park out of town or something. Hamilton's staying behind, said he didn't wanna get sick on the rides from what I heard. That'll be the perfect time to catch him alone. He'll probably have Laurens' little mutt with him. We'll take care of that little jerk too, give Laurens more to grieve."

"Sounds like a plan." Lee giggled slightly, clearly excited about this. Reynolds smiled, and started off, giving out more details about what he thought they should do.

Thomas and James hung back, signing to each other.

"What do we do, James? Should we report this to the police? Tell Hamilton??"

"We ought to tell Hamilton and his friends. Maybe Washington would be able to get involved?"

"My uncle? Dude maybe.."

James paused a moment. "Thomas.. Is your friendship with Reynolds and Lee worth a lot to you?"

"Not really.. I've been feeling kinda weird hanging out with them lately, but I guess I never had the guts to actually back off.." Thomas admitted after a short pause. "Doesn't help that I'm scared they'll hate me too the moment they learn that..." He stopped, frowning.

"The moment they learn that... What?"

"James, I.. I'll explain later. But it's a good thing, I think.. I think it'll put your heart at ease too, but I'm not ready for them to know yet and while I do trust you, I guess I'm not ready to say it yet." Thomas explained in hasty signing. James just smiled, and nodded. "But, going back to your question... Why do you ask?"

"I think it will be best if we leave them for good, and fight against them when they go to hurt Hamilton.. If we can't get any help."

SOrry for being so slow to update His Eyes!! Been focusing on Venus a little lately. That, and I do have summer classes that will be going on for a few more weeks still. owo""

(funny story my final exam is literally the day before my birthday lMAO-)

I actually have a speech this Monday for my communications class soo-- Wish me luck!

I'll be giving an informative speech on Service Dogs. Still haven't decided if I want to do the history of Service Dogs, or the various kinds of Service dogs. But I have a semi-broad-semi-narrowed-down topic to choose from so it's progress. ^^;

But yeah, that's my life at the moment. ^^;

I do apologize for having to write that gay hate/homophobic shit tho. I've stated this before but this story is set in the late 90s-Early 2000s. This kind of behavior was more common back then.
And you'll understand Trench-coat's reasons for wanting to kill Hamilton later. uwu

I'll try to get another chapter of His Eyes posted today, but if I don't I'll be working on Venus
And if I may, I suggest you read Venus. There are some... Striking parallels in these two books~
And it's all for a reason~ <3

Alright, hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night, and stay safe out there! //mwah 

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