Chapter One

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“Are you excited to see everyone, Cazy?” My mum said in the front seat of our car, her body turning around slightly to look at me.

I gave her a small smile, shrugging my shoulders. “I’m kind of nervous.”

“Don’t be!” My mum gave me a smile. “Everyone’s gonna be so excited to see how much weight you’ve lost.”

I nodded my head and pulled a strand of hair behind my ear. “Please don’t brag about it, mum.”

My mum pushed her thin eyebrows together, giving me a look. “I will if I want to. My daughter worked her ass off to look as stunning as she does now, I’m a proud mum and I’ll brag if I want to.”

I rolled my eyes at her and ignored her for the rest of the car ride. My eyes stared out of the car most of the time, the other times my eyes were focused on my phone.

I was occasionally texting my best friend, Emily, telling her about how nervous I was to see my family.

You see, I was heading to the family dinner we had every year for like holidays, and it’d been so long since I’ve seen any of them really. And over the time that I hadn’t seen them I was working out every day and eating healthy—finally—to impress everyone. I don’t think I ever did it for myself, to be honest. But now I do.

Last thanksgiving I was this big fat sixteen year old girl. Now, I was seventeen with a flat belly and a thigh gap. The only reason I was in shape actually was because of soccer. Soccer made me get really in shape. I wouldn’t be able to play if I wouldn’t have lost all of that weight.

I looked up from my phone to see my Grandmother’s house in view, a small smile forming on my face. I ran a hand through my long dirty blonde hair, the nerves in my stomach killing me. We pulled into the driveway and it didn’t surprise me when I saw all of the cars.

I grabbed my bag full of clothes (I was staying the night) and jumped out of the car. I grabbed a couple of other things and made my way towards the back door, waiting for my Grandmother to open the door.

When she finally did she gave me a kiss on the forehead before letting me through.

“Cazy, when did you get so skinny?” She said softly, looking at me as I walked in.

I set down the food and other things I brought in before turning around and giving her a smile. “Um, I don’t know. This year?”

She laughed and patted me on the back before going back into the kitchen. I let out a breath of air, taking my things into the back room.

As I walked through the living room, I scanned the room. Seeing my cousins and a random blonde sitting next to Ashton (one of my cousins). I raised an eyebrow and looked away.

Usually we only had family at events like this, but I guess it’s whatever. I’ll just ask Ashton about it later.

I entered one of the many rooms my grandmother had, pushing my thick eyebrows together as I looked at the mess on top of the bed.

“Ah, Cazy. You can’t have this room this time, I’m sleeping in here and Luke is taking the other bedroom. So you’ll have to room in the room at the end of the hallway.” Ashton said behind me, scaring me slightly.

“Luke?” I questioned, putting my things on the floor anyway.

The blonde from earlier walked into the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. Wow, he was really cute.

“Yeah, Luke Hemmings. My best friend.” Ashton smiled before looking over at him. “Luke, meet Cazy, my cousin who looks more beautiful than ever. You lost so much weight, Caz.”

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