Chapter 40//Stupid

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Athena's POV

I was back home in Omaha. My grades were now in a comfortable spot.

"Hey. Did you hear?" My cousin said walking into my room.

"About what?" I said unsurely.

"Ten foot waves in Cali this weekend."

"ARE WE GOING!" I screamed. Surfing was a passion of mine. Almost everyday in summer, I would be at the beach surfing for hours. I love everything about surfing.

"You have to ask. But I'm not. That's deadly." LJ said seriously.

"Live your life L." He was just always so serious. He didn't know how to have fun and do stupid stuff.

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Me getting hurt is not going to be the end of the world."

"Athena. You've gotten injured more times in the last three months than you've had in a year." Ugh. He was always so protective over me. "And they were serious injuries."

"If I bring Chris with me will you chill out a little bit and have more fun?" Chris surfed a little and he always talked about wanting to surf really big waves. The only thing was, he was scared of getting hurt. My cousin loved Christian because he would never let me get hurt or do something extremely dangerous and stupid.

"No promises Athena." he said walking out.

I decided to hit up Chris and see if he would wanna come.

"I don't know Athena. Ten foot waves?"

"Stop being like my cousin Knox. I'll be totally fine."

"Ten feet sounds deadly Athena."

"There'll be other surfers and like lifeguards. Please Chrisss. It'll be fun."

"I don't know Athena it's right after new years."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Ok finee. I'll go with you."

"Yay. We're leaving on the 3rd."

I can't believe a new year would be this week. I asked my parents if they could pull out my surfboards. They were totally fine with it as long as I don't die. Why can't people be more like that? I mean, you only have one chance to live your life; at least be a little reckless.

Today was the day Chris and I were flying out to Cali and met up with some of my surfer friends. New Years Eve was New Years Eve. What happens during New Years Eve never gets talked about, right? But I did find out that the Jacks don't like Chris, but I don't know why. We were on my way to our beach house that my parents had for a while now. It was only a ten minute walk to the beach from the house, with a beach view from the balcony.

"Here are your boards Athena." my dad said handing me mine and giving Chris one to borrow. I quickly changed into my wetsuit and met Chris downstairs.

"Be safe and don't die!" My dad yelled as we ran off.

We arrived at the beach. Surfers everywhere. It was a surfer's paradise.

"ATHENAAA!" I turned my body to where my name was called. The two people of the only true Cali friends I've had. We met while surfing one summer and we've been friends ever since. I dragged Chris with me

"Who's the dude?" Nikki asked.

"Take on easy on him. He rarely surfs." I said hugging her. Nikki and Ace were brother and sister. They were eachother's best friends.

"You surf before?" Ace asked Chris.

"Ya. But not a lot. Living in Nebraska limits things." He replied strapping his board around his ankle. He knew enough to look like he knows what he's doing.

"Can we go already?" I asked carrying my board. Everyone got up and headed toward the shore. I swam out first. Going under the waves, and waiting in between sets.

Thank god I didn't tell Gilinsky about this. The waves were scary, I have to admit. But fear never killed anyone, right?

The waves were forming once again. I saw this wave coming and I knew it was going to be at least an eight footer. I turn to get ready to paddle. The wave was just about the reach me and I started paddling. No one else tried to get on this one, so this wave was all mine. I stand up and go inside a barrel, not being able to see the other side. I was getting deeper and deeper into the barrel. As the wave starts to die, I could tell I had to get out of this or wipe out. I decided on the second choice and jumped off the surfboard, just in time at the wave crashes on the shore. I quickly get back out and catch at least four more waves.

Now, the waves were insane. Deadly insane. We all rushed to get on the shore. Surprisingly, there wasn't a lifeguard. Well they were probably saving people...

"Where's Ace?" I asked. We all looked back into the ocean. A guy sitting on the surfboard waiting for a good wave.

"Is he crazy?" I exclaimed. He catches a wave but immediately wipes out by a cliff that was deep into the ocean. We all watch in silence, waiting for him to come up. But he doesn't.

Ace's POV

I waited for the perfect last wave. I could feel one coming. I got ready and paddled. Multiple surfers were also trying to catch the same wave. I stand up. This wave did not want surfers on it. I lose my balance, making myself fall. I landed one someone then the wave smashed both of us into land. Waves kept coming and coming. One after the other. Making it harder for me to get back up.

Thanks for 26k (: So I don't know. I have writers block. Thanks for reading. Vote for more (:

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