Chapter 52//Forever

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Johnson's POV

Sam and I went after Gilinsky.

"He needs to trust Christian." Sam said.

"No. He needs to trust Athena." I said. "Athena isn't stupid. She won't let Christian do anything." I'll admit, I hate Christian too, but c'mon Athena isn't the type to cheat. Not by the way she has been treated.

"Leave me alone." Jack hissed.

"Dude. Because of this, you could lose Athena. Forever." It was true. Because he doesn't trust Athena, he could lose her, forever.

Gilinsky's POV

Johnson was right. I could lose Athena for forever.

"Yeah dude. I mean, c'mon." Sam said. "Do you really believe Athena would cheat on someone? On you?" He sat down next to me. "Cause if you do think that then I know for sure that that is not Athena and you are not thinking straight. You're only thinking like this because your worst enemy is breathing the same air as your girlfriend and you don't like that idea."

"Sammy is right man." Johnson joined. "You're only thinking like this because of Christian." I was silent. "Here. Put it this way. If Sam and I were to stay at Athena's house for a night, you would be totally fine with it cause we're your friend. But if Christian was with us, you would go because you hate Christian."

"I'm still ify about it." I said. I pulled out my phone and called Athena.

"Hey Jack." she answered.

"Hey Babe. You and Christian aren't doing anything right?" I asked nervously into the phone.

"Do you like not trust me or something?"

"I do. It's just tha-" she cut me off.

"You don't trust me don't you."

"Baby I do. It's just........ I love you."

"Jack. Do you trust me?" she asked. I was silent, silent for too long. "Unbelievable." she said and the line went dead.

I stared into my phone watching it go black. She just hung up on me. She hung up on me. My one and only love hanged up on me.

"What happened..." Sam asked nervously.

"Nothing." I got up immediately, to try to figure out what to do.

Johnson's POV

Jack just stared at his phone, like Athena just broke up with him.

"Jack bro. What happened?" I said following him.

"Is Mallory there yet?" He asked frustrated.

"No. Not until 2."

He looked at his phone. 1:47, Omaha time.

"Dude what happened?" Sam asked confused.

"Athena thinks I don't trust her." Jack said pissed off.

"Well do you?" I asked.

"I do. I just don't want to lose her. Not after seven years of being friends." He sat down and put his head in his hands

"Sam and I will talk to her today. And I'll ask Mallory to be there as much as she can to keep on eye on Christian." I said sitting down next to him.

"I just want her in my arms." He mummbled.

So many fillers. I'm sorry. Thanks for 50k reads

Question. What do you want to happen in the sequel. (which is called Together)

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Thanks for reading♡

- Cristina

Friendzoned (Jack Gilinsky) (Shawn Mendes) (MagCon)Where stories live. Discover now