Chapter 56//Over

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Gilinsky's POV

I pushed Leigh off of me. I tell her to leave and, gladly, she does. As she opens the doors, I hear screaming fans. I turn to the stage and everyone, everyone is staring at me. Athena hops off the stage and exits out the doors behind me without saying a word or making any contact.

"Athena I can explain!" I yell after her. Matt stops me.

"Just let her be Jack." Matt says. I don't listen to him and go after her. I push the enormous doors open and look to see which way she went.

"Athena went that way." a fan said helping me out. I thank her and run in that direction. I run further and further. We were about a half a mile away from the beach and I knew that's where she was going to be.

Athena's POV

I sat on top of the rocks and watch the waves crash into it. I ignore all of the phone calls and texts I get. I let it all out.

"Athena let me explain." His voice. I heard his voice. I knew exactly who it was. I stood up and headed the opposite direction he was standing in. "Athena! Please!" he said louder.

"What. Tell me how sorry you are. How she means nothing to you!? How I'm everything you need?! How she pulled you in?! How terrible you feel!? How you didn't mean to?! Well that's fucking bullshit Jack!" I yelled. He was silent. "And I actually thought you cared." I said quieter, almost at a whispering level. I turned on my heel and started walking.

Mahogany's POV

Athena come through the doors and everything goes silent. She makes no contact with us and heads straight through the back doors leading to the lobby.

"Now's your chance Shawn." Taylor said.

"It's now or never." Dillion joined him.

He went back to strumming his gutair and humming to the tune.

"I'll talk to her." I said leaving the room.

Matt's POV

I can't believe Gilinsky would do this. Athena is like a sister to me and I hate seeing her hurt. After Mahogany left, a couple minutes later, Gilinsky walks through the door, leans againsts the wall, and falls to the ground. The guys just look at eachother, silent.

"Why would you do that to her?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I didn't even kiss her." I mummbled.

"What do you mean you didn't even kiss her?" Nash asks.

"Leigh kissed me. I didn't kiss her."

Athena's POV

I headed to my room and slammed the door shut. I collapsed on the bed and dug my face in the pillow. I had a feeling Jack and I wasn't going to work out. I hear the door open and quietly close. Mahogany.

"Athena. Talk to me. What's going through your mind?" Mahogany asked rubbing my back.

I looked at my phone. 2:48. Just under two hours till I have to pretend that nothing is wrong.

"Athena please talk to me. I'm here to help you."

Mahogany's POV

Athena sat up. Her eyes were bloodshot. She buried her head into her knees.

"Jack isn't worth your time. You can find a guy that's much much much better than him." I rubbed her back to calm her down. "Think about it like this. There is just one less heartbreak until you're happy ending."

I saw a tear run down her cheek.

"There's a prince charming for you out there Athena. No worries."

"Maybe even downstairs...strumming an a gutair..."

Taylor's POV

"She made the move?" Cam asked.

"Yes!" Gilinsky responded.

"That shit doesn't matter. What really matters is did you kiss back?" Matt asked slowly and clearly.

Gilinsky was silent.

"You minus well just never talk to Athena ever again." I said.

"I can get her back." He said confidently.

"C'mon Gilinsky. We all know Athena is too stubborn when it comes to this kind of stuff." Sam said.

"You minus well say goodbye to your guys' friendship as well." Nash stated.

The doors open and Mahogany walks in.

"How is she?" Cam asked like Athena was about to die.

"Not good. She's not talking." Mahogany said giving Gilinsky a nasty glare. "Well not to me at least."

"I can get her to talk." Gilinsky said looking up from the ground.

"Yeah you can get her to punch your face also." I said trying to make the awkwardness into funniness.

"I'll talk to her tonight. But right now, we need to have her down here and ready for MagCon." Matt said.

Matt's POV

I left to go get Athena somewhat decent looking for tonight. Mahogany gave me her room key as she finished setting up uer equipment. I knocked on the door first the opened it. The bathroom door immediately slammed shut.

"Athena open up." I said knocking.

"I can't use the bathroom in private." she said. I heard bags zipping and the water running.

"Athena...Tell me you didn't." I said quietly. She has self harmed before in the past for the same situation. He was her everything while she wasn't.

"I'm sorry Matt." Athena weakly said as the door slowly opened.



idk something needed to happen to make Gilinsky feel terrible or something. Honestly idk what I was thinking when I wrote this chapter.

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Thanks for reading♡

- Cristina

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