Chapter 1: Dear diary.

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<< Dear diary,

My name is Cassie, and my Korean name is Eun Seol ah, I choose it myself for the simple reason that I fancied it.I've graduated high school a year ago and I'm finally going to college soon.  You're my new best friend dear diary, I'm gonna tell you every single thing about my life, I also apologize for ignoring you all this time, I'm sorry. After I brought you last year, I didn't know what to write about. The truth is, this period of my life has felt just like the nightmare I've been longing to wake up from, I kept waiting for something special to happen so you'll be the first one to know. I wanted to start a new chapter of my life with you positively so I waited until I have some good news to tell you. Dear diary, I've been studying Korean a while ago, not long ago, I started earning interest in moving abroad, somewhere where nobody knows my name or my story. I choose Korea as my number one dream destination and since then, I've always wanted to go to visit it, it seems like a beautiful country... Oh lord, guess what? I'm actually going there soon. I received a scholarship after applying to multiple places and I'm going to study and live there soon, can you believe that? My life is finally going to be better, fun and exciting just like the way I've always wanted it to be. Am I finally waking up from this nightmare? Words cannot describe how happy I am right nw. >>

I wrote the last few words with a huge smile on my face, I looked all over my gloomy one room appartement"you've been nothing but bad memories to me... I can't wait to get out of here" I mumbled.

My phone beeped while I was still holding my diary, it's Anna, my one and only best friend. We've shared everything since we were kids.

"You have to check this out! You'd be surprised if I tell you that the guy who wrote this book is exactly the male version of you! His words sound as if they came straight out of your journal, if I didn't know you so well, I'd say that you guys have known each other for ages or maybe wrote this book together."

I read a few pages of the pdf book she sent me and I couldn't help but gasp every time I read some of the quotes that sounded like something I'd say or write on my diary. 

<<How many times in life will I be able to open my heart that has been closed tightly and meet myself with memories and longing tightly in my a world where I am not the controller, but a slave to time? >>

I've always had this idea of writing about my days through pictures, I've always been passionate about taking pictures and though I knew photobooks existed, I thought this idea of mine was unique, until now at least.

I kept scrolling through the book reading every paragraph, "Kim Myung-soo, the kid who writes his diary through pictures. I wonder what kind of person you are, I wonder what kind of life you're living." I muttered while staring at his picture on the cover of the book.


I looked around and everyone seemed so busy doing their own thing, I'm in Korea! I'm actually here! After all this time I'm...

I couldn't help but having a huge smile carved on my face while walking around impressed by everything I see like an idiot, I felt dizzy all of sudden so I took a sip of water, I must be dehydrated... or it's probably because of the long flight since it's my first time ever. I heard some noise and turned to see a huge crowd in the other corner of the airport.

"Ah... Kids, they're obsessed with celebrities nowadays" - Sighed a middle-aged woman who was standing right behind me. And before I could look back someone bumped into me and made me fall on the ground, they left without even apologizing or saying a word. I was so annoyed. I stood up and kept walking, suddenly things became blurry and before I hit the floor again, I felt someone catching me.

"Are you okay?" - He asked

"T-Thank y- " I looked at his face, and before I could thank him I froze in my place.

"Book! ugh, the diary kid... Kim!" - I gasped

He giggled and said " Myungsoo... It's Kim Myungsoo" - He smiled while still holding me in his arms.

It was too dreaming yet I could smell something was burning, the smell was strong, and in a fraction of a second, all I could see was darkness. I lost consciousness.

I woke up and the smell was stronger.

" OH NO. OH, MY GOD. NO NO NO " -I screamed while running to the kitchen. " Great, now my lunch is burned." - I let out a heavy sigh.

I looked at the clock and it's already 12:30 " Oh no I can't be late again, I only have 30 min." I fixed my hair quickly, changed and ran straight to the bus station. Luckily, it only takes 20min to get to the place where I work.

I got on the bus and tried to catch my breath from all the running. Then looked at the sky, the weather was so nice, it's spring. " What a dream!" - I exclaimed closing my eyes trying to recall what happened.

As soon as the bus stopped, I got off in a hurry and checked the time on my phone. It's already 13:05.

"Oh no, I'm late. " I ran to the small store I'm working in.

The boss was standing right in front of the opening door. " As usual you're late again." -He firmly said.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, I will make sure that it never happens again." - I said with an apological voice

"What is your excuse this time huh? you took the wrong bus again?" "I-I.. " before I could say anything he looked at me with a straight face and said " Whatever, I'll cut down your salary for this month" - He smirked and got back to the shop.

I let out a heavy sigh and went directly to the change room to get ready for work. "How can he cut down my salary after being late for only 5 minutes? How cruel. I can't wait to leave this filthy place." I unlocked my phone and his photo was still there. " Kim diary kid, This all happened because of you" I glared at it, then put my things in the locker.

(One month later)

A month had passed and I was finally done with all the document preparation and packing.

"I can't believe I'm finally going there, I'm so happy but... " I said to Anna looking down while a tear fell on my cheek.

"Aww look at this crybaby" -she said with a childlike voice, then she continued "You're going there to assure a better life and future for yourself, you needed this, you deserve to find your own happiness, so cheer up you crybaby hm? I'm so glad you got that scholarship, I really hated seeing you struggling on your own after all that happened, don't forget to eat healthily and sleep well, okay? I know you're obsessed with taking pictures, send them all to me, I will text you every day."

"Okay okay I will tell you everything, looks like someone is even more excited than me " we both giggled.

I checked the time on my phone "Anna, I should go now! I'll call you once I get there" I gave her one last tight hug.

Anna hasn't only been my best friend, she's my lifesaver, I cannot imagine my life without her, I will miss her so much. She's the only person I can trust and talk to and she's always there for me. She's the one who encouraged me to learn Korean, and if my life is getting so much better now, it's thanks to her. I'm so thankful. I literally owe her my life.

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