Chapter 19: Goodbye.

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Woohyun looked so angry. All he did was giving me a disappointed look.

"Woohyun ah..." I called him.

 "We need to talk."  He said then he just left.

"Please don't forget what I told you. And no matter what happens, don't tell anyone about it." I said to Suzy and instantly followed Woohyun.

He went to the practice room. 

"You were joking, right? What I heard you say wasn't true, right? There's no way you'll be doing this to Myungsoo... Don't you love him? " He kept asking as soon as I got in.

My tears were running down my cheeks. I hate how I can't control them anymore, I hate how I always break down everytime someone mentions his name. 

"It's for him! It's all for him! It's for all of you... I can't stay here." I said with quite a loud shaky voice.

"Is it because of that scandal? We'll figure it out I promise, you don't have to leave. Myungsoo won't let you, none of us will. " He said.

"No you can't... none of you can. It's so much bigger than that Woohyun ah.. The only person who can solve this is me. And the only way to do it is leaving. " I said as I got closer to him.

He wouldn't leave me alone if I don't tell him the truth. So I just told him everything. I told him about what the CEO said, I told him about the possibility of him making Myungsoo leave Infinite and about our deal. He was so shocked and speechless.

"Please don't tell him anything now. I'll let him know when the time is right. Don't tell the other members either. I only want to remember spending happy moments with you guys." I looked down.


I was completely shocked to know how cruel our CEO is. And knowing that he really can destroy Myungsoo's career just to get more money made me really worried. What breaks my heart was seeing Seol ah who is like a younger sister to me suffering because of that. She loves Myungsoo so much that she's ready to give up her happiness for his own sake. And what makes more even angrier is not being able to do anything to change this. 

She was crying, and I was just standing there not knowing what to do or even what to think of.

I gave her a friendly hug. A hug and some comforting words were the only things I could do for her in such a painful moment. " Eun Seol ah, you're an amazing person. I just want you to know that you mean so much to me. You mean so much to us. You, coming into our life was a blessing. You're the greatest friend and girlfriend someone could ever have. I hate seeing you like this. I hate seeing both you and Myungsoo falling apart like this without being able to do anything to fix it. Don't worry about that, if that's what you want. I won't say anything to anyone." 

 ( A week later)

(Seol ah) 

The past week was a really busy week for me. I had to do so many things.I had to clear up and finish so many things before I leave. I haven't met Sung jin, Si-woo and Juno since the graduation ceremony. They were on a full schedule so we were just texting every now and then. But I had to meet them before I leave so I did. I first only met Sung jin. Telling him that I don't feel that way toward him was the toughest things I did this week. He looked pretty down but he promised me that things won't change between us and that we can still remain friends, I'm happy I didn't have to lose him, he's a really precious friend to me.

Today is the last day, I've been trying to gather my strength all these few days for the sake of this day.  I finished composing the song. Everything is ready now.

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