Chapter 23: I Won't Let You Go.

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Myungsoo didn't care much about the dating news. He knows that he feels nothing about Suzy, and even though she likes him, she knows that he doesn't like her back. They both know that it's just for the agencies' profit so they would just go on random dates and show the media that they're happy together. They're friends now, they're not so close but they would still hang out together or just chat with each other every now and then.

Myungsoo and the other members were so busy practicing and preparing for their comeback. They're practically living in the practice room and they barely sleep for 3 hours or so. That was quite good for Myungsoo, being too busy was distracting him from being heartbroken. 


Today is a really tiring day. It's only 12 pm and I'm already exhausted. I slept at 4 am and woke up at 7 am. I just finished recording one of the songs on our album and I'm taking a break. I headed to the quietest place just so I can take a quick nap, I'm really sleepy.

I went to the Music room and once I opened the door I couldn't believe what my eyes saw.

Seo-Seol ah?? Oh my God, Seol ah... Is that really you? I can't believe you're here, I missed you so much.

She didn't say a word. She was just standing there smiling at me. That smile... I missed that smile so much it's killing me. The way she's looking at me... I missed every little thing about her. All I did was staring at her. Is she really here standing in front of me? Is this real? Seol ah... Why am I not doing anything?

Sunggyu:  Myungsoo? Myungsoo wake up! We still have so many things to do!

I woke up startled. It was just a dream... I looked around trying to find her but It was only just a dream. When will I ever get to see her again... I wished I didn't wake up.


Months have passed and yellow leaves started falling off trees. It's autumn.

Seol ah have been as busy as Myungsoo, she's been traveling to different cities in England to take good photos and to find inspiration. She met so many people who really loved her work, she started getting recognized for how incredibly talented she is. She was doing her best to be happier, she worked so hard and she was restless. Life is not always great but traveling to different places has made her feel free. It was a really healing trip for her that took 2 months. She finally came back home, having people who are not your parents treating you like you were their own child is definitely one of the best things ever. Despite that deep scar in her heart. Living with them is making her feel as if she is living in her own house with her own family, it's so warm. But as usual, she still thinks of him, she still longs for him and she still checks her phone every night before she sleeps hoping there will be good news about him. Seeing pictures of him and Suzy always together going on dates was surely one of the hardest things to see but she still can't resist his smile. She hasn't seen him in a really long time that she probably can't recognize the difference between his fake smile and the genuine one anymore. She's just happy to see him doing fine.

(Seol ah)

Ahh... It feels really great to be back home. I'm so tired, I'm ready to sleep for months.

"Cassie, come here sweetie!"   Kathryn  (Anna's mom) called me.

"I'm here, do you need any help?" I said with a smile on my face.

"No, I made hot chocolate and some cookies, let's eat them together. I really missed talking to you, are you free?" 

"Yes, sure. It really feels good to come back home."

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