Chapter 28: Will Things Get Better?

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"Seol ah yah... you once said that I'm popular and talented, that so many people love me. But... would all these people stay there when I'm no longer famous? What if my injury won't let me go on. Will you still love me when I'm not able to dance or sing anymore?"  

(Seol ah)

I won't deny that I was disappointed after I heard what he said but I do understand him. It's not easy to be a world star, many people would approach you just because of that, just for fame or money or image. I know that he doesn't think of me like that but I understand that he's afraid I may stop loving him just because one day he may not still be a star who shines on stage, he's not only afraid of losing me, but he's afraid losing his fans and members as well, he worked so hard until now and he wouldn't be able to stand losing people he really cares about just because he can't do certain things for a period of time.

I held his face with both of my hands and looked straight into his eyes.

 "For how long have we been together? 5 years? Woah... that's quite a long time. I probably first fell in love with you when I saw you on the screen but I've always asked myself this question even before I met you. Why him? I know a lot of idols and world stars, I've seen many people in many Tv shows, series, movies, and music videos. But why was that person the only one who made my heart pound out of all these people? But after I met you I guess I found the answer, there are even times when I wished you were just a classmate of mine, a neighbor, or a plain person that I meet on a daily basis. What you do, how many people know you, how much you earn, how many views are on your videos... none of this matters to me. Having you in my life as the person I love the most, as my Kim Myungsoo is the only thing that matters to me. I don't love you just because of your good looks, I'm pretty sure that I will still love you even when we're old and ugly. I also don't love you because of your popularity and large fanbase, I'm pretty sure that even if no one comes to your concert, I would still be there and cheer for you, I would still want to hear your voice even if you won't be able to sing, I would still be your fan, and your supporter even if you have nothing because I love you. I don't love you for what you have, I love you for who you are. And even if the whole world might go against you, be sure that I'll be the one who's always there for you. So just smile, and stop worrying about all of that. It's all gonna be alright." I said giving him a comforting smile.

"That's why I love you, you've always accepted me for who I am. You have no idea how relieved I'm feeling right now after I heard these words from you. I never had any doubts about your love for me, I just... I was just worried. The members are working so hard, and even when they come here they never show any discomfort or worry. They keep telling me that what matters the most is seeing me doing well but what if..." 

"Don't think too much about that," I cut him off. "They'll be really upset if they hear you talking like that. They're right, that's what matters the most. And if you feel sorry for everyone, just get well fast!" I said.

"Thank you, Seol ah yah... It's really nice to have you here by my side. I spent most of my time here all alone, I had so many thoughts. I've been thinking about you, about that, about everything. I'm really happy that you're here, you always make me feel better. It's like you're the only one who can do that to me." He said as he gently brought me closer to him. "But didn't you come here straight from the airport? You must be so tired... Oh.. look at you! You're so pale and... you lost so much weight. You must pay more attention to your health Seol ah yah... You should eat well and sleep well!" He worriedly said.

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