Chapter 21: Still, I Miss You.

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(Seol ah)

After a really long flight, we finally arrived in London. It's been a really long time, I haven't been here since Anna's death.

I missed the weather, it's quite cold even though it's springtime. I still remember being here in the airport with Anna couple of times, I still remember how she used to react when we finally meet after months. I'm going to her parents' house since I have nowhere to go. I was planning to stay in a hotel but when Jake talked to them and told them that I'll come back here they insisted that I should stay in their house. 

I'm so nervous, I feel so bad, and a part of me doesn't really wanna go there. How would I meet Anna's parents? I should have been there for them just like when they were there for me when I lost my parents. They lost their only child who was like a sister to me but all I did was running away. I never even called to check on them. 

Once we got to the neighborhood. I stopped for a second. Everything is still the same, the houses, the streets, the park. I missed these places. I missed my old life, my parents, and Anna... 

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, looking back at me as I stopped walking in the middle of the street.

"I'm... I don't know. I feel weird. Do you think it's the right thing to do? I don't think I can face them... maybe it will be better if I just stay in a hotel." I said looking down.

"Don't worry about that, I talked to them and told them everything. They were so worried about you and they can't wait to see you. Let's go! They must be waiting for us right now." He smiled at me as he grabbed my arm.

We're finally there. Right in front of the house. I took a deep breath as I heard someone opening the door. 

"Cassie? Are you finally here? We were so worried about you. I'm so happy to see again." Anna's mom said as she hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry for disappearing, I should've stayed in touch with you... I'm so sorry"  My tears started falling down. My eyes were already swollen from crying too much.

"Come in sweetie. We were waiting for you." Anna's dad said. Then continued."You don't have to apologize. We know that you've been through so much, and accepting that your only friend is not in this world anymore was definitely so hard for you, that's why we wanted to give you some space. The fact that Anna's not here anymore is still hard to accept for us too. But we don't want to lose you too Cassie, you're like a second daughter to us." 

"That's right, you're welcome here. Make yourself at home, you can stay here as long as you want. We already prepared a room for you. " Anna's mom said as she handed me and jake a cup of juice.

We were all sitting in the living room chatting. They've been asking me so many questions about all the 4years I spent in Korea. 

After two hours, Jake left to his place. Anna's mom wanted to show me the room I'll be staying in.  It was exactly next to Anna's room. She caught me staring at the closed door, it's been years but I still can't believe it, I still have a pointless hope that if I enter the room I'll see Anna standing there.

"Is it still..." I said with a shaky voice.

"Yes, it's still the same. Wanna take a look?"  She offered.

"Can I?" I asked with my eyes still focusing on that pink door.

"Of course, you're her best friend after all. You two have so many memories in this room. I probably have to leave you alone now. Be strong" She patted on my shoulder.

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