Chapter 14: Past, something you can't easily forget.

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"Oh no! what did just do? There is fire everywhere, I didn't mean to do this. I didn't want to kill her or even hurt her I must have gone mad... There's no way I can go in and save her, what should I do...

Someone is coming.. He must be Myungsoo. He's probably with the cops, I'd better go away from here.

What did I just do... Is she going to be okay?"

... All I wanted was to take revenge on him and make him regret taking everything from me. I never meant to kill someone, what should I do now...

I drove away, I wasn't planning to go anywhere... I was just running away, I have nowhere to go. I stopped near a bridge. Overthinking all my life... How did I become like this? Why did I become like this? This bridge... Being here reminds me of many things I never wanted to remember.

(Flashback 1)

10 years ago...

I hate my life. My father is drunk again in the middle of the day and mum can't stop complaining about my grades. She's calling me worthless and she's saying that both my father and I are better off dead. She hates both of us because we're all just useless, a waste of space. Everything here is a mess.

They've been fighting since the morning now, you can hear them swearing from miles away.

"I'm so done with this," My father headed out holding his alcohol bottle.

I followed him trying not to let him see me.

He was standing on the edge of a cliff. He threw his bottle away and started shouting. "You ungrateful bastards. I hate you all." He was about to jump but I didn't even try to stop him, I was just watching him until I heard a voice. " Song Insoo!! What are you doing? Isn't that your father?" It was Myungsoo. He ran towards my father and talked to him for minutes, I couldn't hear what they were saying but I think he somehow convinced him not to do whatever he was trying to do. He has always been good with words.

Since that day. My parents looked at him as he was that great child they never had. As if he saved my dad's life. Would they look at me the same way if I was the one who convinced him not to jump from that cliff? Dad never listens to me, he would've jumped right before I even approach him.

Myungsoo has always been my best friend but seeing my parents comparing me to him all the time and wishing he was their child as something that I couldn't tolerate. He has always been a better student, a better friend, and a better son. I wish I was like him so my parents would look at me the same way they looked at him."

(End of Flashback 1)

Once my parents went to the US. Our friendship grew bigger, Myungsoo and Ga-in were the only persons I trusted. We used to be inseparable. And thinking about that makes me wanna go back to the old days when all that we were worried about was setting pranks on each other. All these good moments, little sad moments, little fights... I miss that. I miss that so much. If only they called me once, if only they thought of me at least once... I would've forgotten all that happened and start anew. But I've only realized I was the third wheel now.

Mother... Father... I was doing my best to be a good son but I guess all that I made you feel was a disappointment. I'm sorry.

(Flashback 2)

(Few weeks before coming to Korea.)

"Mum! I'm adult. You can't just keep telling me what to do. I already made my decision. I'm going after my dream. I'm going to be a singer."

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