Chapter 18: Love? Sacrificing For The One You Truly Love.

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As I stepped out of the company, my phone started ringing. I took a deep breath before answering his call.

"My love, Are you awake already? Did you have your breakfast?"

"My love?" He sounded surprised.

"'Aren't you the one who always wanted me to call you that? I thought it would be weird at first but I think I can do that now."

"Why? Why all of sudden? Did something happen?" He seems concerned. I'm not so good at hiding things like that. I know that he can feel it when I'm not okay, but I'll try my best to not let him find out. 

"Eum.. nothing happened, I just decided I'll do all the things that make you happy. My lovely boyfriend has done so much for me, that's why from now on I'm gonna make every day special for us."

"Eun Seol ah..."

"Oh, My love! You have a day off today, right?" 

"Yes, that's right... Where are you?"

"I'm going to the grocery store. You haven't eaten homemade food in quite a long time. I'm gonna make you all the dishes that you like." I excitedly said.

"Woah... You really seem weird today. Wait... Today is not my birthday, and... It's not our anniversary either. Is today some kind of special day or something? "

"Of course it's special! Didn't I tell you that every day we spend together is special? Oh, I have to go now, I'll be back soon, eat well and don't go anywhere, just stay home and rest, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

My voice started cracking so I hung up. I didn't want him to hear that. I don't want him to know any of that. It would hurt him. 

I was walking in the rainy street all alone. It hurts, It hurts so bad. I couldn't hold my tears back, they wouldn't stop falling down my cheeks. I looked around, everyone was walking, they were all in a hurry. And for a second I felt like I was the only one in pain, I didn't care. I just kneeled down in the middle of the crowded street crying with my hands covering my face. It hurts. 

 I suddenly heard someone talking to me "Excuse me, are you okay?" I lift my head up but my vision was blurry. I couldn't see his face well but he somehow seemed familiar. "Oh, Cassie?  I've been looking for you everywhere, oh my God, what's wrong?" I wiped my tears so I can clearly see him. "Jake??" I was so surprised to see him. He helped me stand up and gave me a friendly hug. 

He then suggested going to a nearby cafe to have a small talk. 

<<Jake moved to the city I was living in when I was in elementary school. He used to live in the same neighbourhood as Anna and me. One day, we were walking home from school as usual when we saw him in the park  Anna and I used to go to every day after school. He was sitting there all alone, we tried to talk to him, he said that he had no friends since he just moved there. And that's how we became besties. Unfortunately, after 3 years, he had to move back with his family to his city which was so far from mine. He would still pay us a visit every now and then but eventually, each of us became too busy with our lives so we weren't as close as before. He was one year older than us so he used to protect us and treat us as his little sisters. I haven't heard from him since the year I came to Korea.>> 

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