Chapter 30: Lies.

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(Seol ah)

I wiped my tears and got out of the room. Okay, Myungsoo, you did the right thing, I was thinking whether I should tell you what just happened or not and I was so worried that you'll be hurt because of me, but it's fine now that you decided to end this. This way you won't be hurt, I'll go through all of this alone.

I was on my way out when I suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm sorry,"  I said as I bowed then kept walking.

"Wait, who are you? Are you working here?" He asked.

"Um... not anymore, I'm...  Eun Seol ah."  I said.

"Eun Seol ah? Oh, you're the famous Seol ah? The one wrote some of Infinite songs and that one solo song L sang? You're quite talented. It's a pity that you're his ex-girlfriend." He said.

Ex-girlfriend? We just broke up but how does he know that already? Wait... Seems like everybody knows that except me... How did something like this happen so fast? What happened... Is he really sick me? Does that mean that what he said was true? ... he really doesn't feel anything for me anymore? How could he do that...

"But since you're not his girlfriend anymore, that shouldn't be a problem for us. I liked your songs, and I heard that they were quite successful. You're a good songwriter. It would be great if you can go back to what you were doing." He added.

"What are you talking about?"  I asked.

"Can't you get the hints? I thought you were smarter than that. I'm JYP CEO and we've now become one company. And I've been interested in hiring some talented songwriters, you must be so lucky that I've met you right at this very moment."  He said.

"Thanks for your offer but I'm not thinking about going back here. I have other things to do, excuse me." I was about to leave. 

 "You're gonna get paid three times more than they used to pay you. And you'll be working with famous people. Like really famous. I don't think you're in a place to refuse such an offer."   He said.

Seriously? Who does he think he is? I'm so done with these rich people, they only care about money and profits. They keep thinking that evryone is running after money just like them, that's so frustrating. I was so angry when I suddenly remembered what the doctor said. The surgery... I need money for that. I don't think I can stand seeing Myungsoo every day, I don't want to. But that's my only hope. I'll do it, at least until I get the money I need. And if everything goes well, I'll never come back here again.

"Think about it," He gave me his business card. " Call this number when you make up your mind." He said.

I went out and it was raining so hard again today. Why does it always rain when we break up? Everything became meaningless in a matter of few minutes. Should I just accept the offer of that person and leave once I'll be fine? But who knows if I'll survive after having the surgery? Or should I just go out and have fun since I'm still alive? I wanted to spend my last days with him... I guess I'll just go home, I'm feeling too weak to do anything. I'm crying again. Why does my life have to be like this? What did I do wrong? Why me?


Two months have passed, Seol ah came back to the company. I overheard her conversation with JYP CEO but I didn't think she would accept his offer, she's not someone who does things she doesn't want to do for money, it's odd.

I keep watching her every time she's around, something must be wrong with her. I know she's sad and heartbroken because of our breakup but I just don't know, I don't have a good feeling about this.

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