Chapter 2: Surprise!

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It's been two years since I moved here, my life has been nothing but amazing. I got to meet great people and make some good friends. I went back to England a couple of times to see Anna, she's the only family I have left there, but since I'm so busy right now, It's been quite a long time since I last saw her. With all the homework and projects, I barely have time to call her occasionally.

My schedule is perry tight, I've been majoring in music in addition to taking photography classes. I decided to follow my dreams and do something I love after considering lots of things for quite some time.

The music teacher. professor Park gave us a survey and told us to choose one of the entertainment companies we want to visit, being a retired idol himself, arranging a few meetings with celebrities here and there wasn't that big of a deal for him. He informed us that we will have the chance to get to know idols in real life and learn new things from them that would help us in our career. Everyone was so excited since they'll be meeting their favourite celebrities in person. Most of them have chosen famous labels, depending on who their favourites are while I was just sitting there looking at the survey thinking " There's nothing much I know about the music industry here so I'll probably choose the same company as my friends, then do some researches on whoever I'll be meeting." I was on my way to Ye Seul's class when I suddenly remembered him " Oh right! Kim diary kid! what was his name?" It took me a few minutes to look up his book on the internet and finally find his name " Right! Kim Myungsoo!!! he's Kim Myungsoo! Isn't he in a music band too? It'd be quite interesting to meet the Korean male version of me in person." I chuckled.

I looked at all the necessary information I wanted to know about the group called Infinite. Then I decided to put a check on Woollim entertainment.

The teacher informed us about the dates when each group of people will go to each entertainment company depending on the idols' schedule, but as Infinite were having a world tour and I was the only putting a check on their label, I was asked to choose another label by the person in charge of collecting the surveys. Luckily, professor Park interfered and asked me to wait for 3 months if I wanted to meet them and that he could still arrange the meeting after their world tour since their manager is a close friend of his. "You're one of the most hardworking students I have Eun Seol ah, I'm doing this because I have faith in you. Who knows maybe waiting would get you a good opportunty."

Professor Park has been one of the greatest teachers I've had so far, no matter how strict he acted in the first year, he has always been every student's friend, he helped me a lot since I got here, I couldn't be more grateful.

Knowing that I will be meeting some of the most celebrities in Korea all alone made me quite nervous, I'll have 3 months to prepare for that and know as much information as possible.


10 weeks later...

Some of my classmates organized a surprise birthday party for me. I couldn't be happier. This was the first time for me to have people other than Anna or my parents organise such event for me, I can't believe how different my life has become since I came here, I'm so grateful for every bit of it.

"If only Anna was here.." - I sighed while looking at the pictures we took last year on my birthday, I spent it with Anna's family, her parents have always treated as their second child. My phone rang, I immediately picked up.

" Oh Anna, I was about to call you... "

"Happy birthday Cass, I know I can't be there with you right now but guess what? I have a surprise for you!!" she excitedly said

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