Chapter 16: Thinking about you.

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(2years later)

Two years have passed.

Myungsoo and Seol ah's relationship is stronger than ever. Besides all the little arguments they have sometimes, they love each other too much to let that affect what they have. 

At first, it was difficult for Myungsoo to fully forgive Insoo for what he did to his girl, but day after day their friendship became better, and thanks to the other members' help, they're all good friends now. They even helped him and encouraged him to follow his dream of becoming a singer, he auditioned for Woollim entertainment again and was accepted. He still has to improve his dancing due to his injury but he is a vocalist after all his voice has improved so much. He's now practicing so hard for his debut which will be after few months. He has also appeared in a drama as a third lead which brought him so much attention as a rookie actor, he's now even thinking of pursuing acting along with singing. Infinite members are being the best seniors and older brothers he will ever have, they're supporting him and giving him good pieces of advice all the time. He has finally convinced his parents that he's going on the right way, they're not that close yet but their relationship is eventually getting better.

Infinite were on a tour recently, they're now even more successful and famous not only in Korea but all over the world. They're now preparing for their next comeback which will be in January next year.  

Due to their busy schedules, Myungsoo and Seol ah haven't been able to see each other that much, they only meet each other in the company sometimes but they would still call or text one another everytime they get the chance to. 

Seol ah has been busy writing songs and studying at the same time. It's her last year in college. She's going to graduate soon. Same for some BTS members. They became really close friends in the last three years. Jungkook has become Seol ah's best friend, they're always together having fun, hanging out or just randomly talking. However, she never told him about her relationship with Myungsoo. Only Infinite members and their manager know about that. They're being extra careful and keeping their relationship a secret from everyone else. 

(Later in Woollim entertainment)

(Seol ah) 

Every time the members finish practising or just take a break they would call both Insoo and me, we usually just sit in the practice room and talk about everything while having some snacks. We Would stay there till it gets dark or even until late at night if they have to practice all night. Today was just one of these days, Infinite only came back from the tour two weeks ago, they rested a bit and now they're practising so hard. I'd see them 5 or 6 days a week, I don't have to come to the company that often but that was the only excuse for me to see Myungsoo and spend some time with him. However, I needed to get out of the company earlier today.

"Um... I have to go earlier today" I said while putting all the stuff (Music book, pens etc)  in my backpack.

"Are you going somewhere?" Myungsoo asked.

"Yes, as you know the finals are after two days, Juno, Sungjin, and Si-woo and I were planning to study together one last time today," I said while standing up.

"Are you going to see them right now?" He asked.

"Yes, the place where we're gonna meet isn't too far from here, they're probably waiting for me now," I said.

"So you're going to meet them like this?"  he looked at me apprehensively. 

I gave him a questioning look.

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