Chapter 12: I Give My First Love To You.

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(...two weeks later)

(Seol ah)

Two weeks have passed since my life has brightened up. I couldn't see him that much since we both were busy. We only saw each other in the company a few times.

These precious little smiles he gives me every time our eyes meet are what's been making my days. Although we do not see each other all the time, we still text and call each other every day before sleeping... And in a fraction of a second, this lonely and sleepless nights became my escape from all the things that happen during the day, they became what I look forward to the most. And for some reason, Sunday became my favourite day of the week, it's when I get to spend the day with my favourite person.

Tomorrow is Sunday, we were supposed to finally spend some time together. However, he has just called me a while ago to tell me that they will be having a photoshoot tomorrow... All the anticipation become frustration... it was supposed to be our first date, but what can I do? Work is work, I guess I'll just stay home and sleep all day.

(A few hours ago)

It's 3 am. I can't sleep. I've been watching Tv for hours. Myungsoo sent me a message around 11 pm. All he said was a cold " good night" and that he has to wake up early so he couldn't talk to me on the phone tonight. I wonder if something is wrong... I hope everything is alright, It's so unlike him. Even when he has to sleep early, he usually calls me and tells me that he just wants to hear my voice, he even sometimes falls asleep while we're talking on the phone.

.... Is he already sick of me?


"She seemed pretty frustrated when I told her we can't meet tomorrow. She was excited about our date, I feel so bad for doing that to her,"

Woohyun: Poor Seol-ah. I bet she has no idea where you're going tomorrow.

"She didn't even reply to my goodnight text, I hope she won't be upset later."

Woohyun: Hey! What are you talking about... There's no way she'll be upset.

(Sunday morning)

(Seol ah)

I woke up to hear knocking on the door. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30 in the morning.

What? Who could be knocking on my door this early? Did I forget the pay the rent on time again? What day is today?

I opened the door while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

My eyes widened when I saw him standing at my door holding some bags.


I jumped into his arms once I saw him. He dropped everything and hugged me even tighter. I can't believe he is here, I missed him so much.


I've been thinking all week about how to make this day special. I wanted to properly tell her my feelings and ask her to officially be my girlfriend. I came up with the idea of spending the whole day at home and just watching movies and cooking together. For a proper confession, I'm planning on singing her a song, I hope she likes it.

She jumped into my arms as soon as she opened the door. She then pulled away and hid her face in her hands. " Don't look at me, I've just woke up and I didn't even wash my face. I look ugly"

I giggled at what she said and held her hands while they were still on her face. " Aww look at how adorable is my Seol-ah, you look even more beautiful with your sleepy eyes"

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