Chapter 10: Can't get you out of my mind.

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Another dream of him, again. I drank a cup of water as soon as I got up, I haven't been getting much sleep in the last few days,

Is it normal to dream of the same person over and over and over? Almost every night?

Everything is just fine but why am feeling this way? I feel like something is missing...

Things at the university are just okay, more people started teasing me after I became friends with the "hot transfer guys" but it's all fine now, they just talk and I don't ever listen to anyone's nonsense anymore, I now have friends with whom I spend most of the time out there, I couldn't be more grateful.

Everything is just normal... I go to the company. I hardly ever see him. Meanwhile, I see the other members often. And we even hang out sometimes.

Sometimes it feels like I'm about to lose my mind from overthinking too much, I hate myself for not being able to get him out of my mind... Why does it have to be him? Why do I feel this way about him? Why him? He admitted that I'm just a nobody to him.

It's Friday, I have no class today. I promised Sung-jin, Si-woo and Juno to meet them at the university and study together.

(Later in the same morning)

Si-woo: Aaah! We studied hard this morning, I'm tired.

Sungjin: Me too. I'm a bit hungry as well.

Juno: You barely talked today, you don't seem to be okay, are you sick? Eun Seol-ah?? Earth to Seol-ah!

Seol-ah: What? I-I'm... I'm fine.

Si-woo: Why does everyone look so down? Do you guys want to hang out for a little bit? Let's go to our place and have some coffee!

Seol-ah: Your place?

Sungjin: It's a coffee shop we often go to. It's a really quiet place, not many people go there.

Juno: It's peaceful, we go there every time we want to spend some peaceful time together, away from the world and its nuisance. A Senior recommended it a while ago, he said that it's celebrities' little secret, a lot of them go there to get away from the media and stuff.


Once we got there, the place looked exactly the way they described it. It's so nice and cosy. And not many people were there. There are only a few guys at the other table.

Wait... Are they...

Infinite? As much as I was happy to see them... I wasn't expecting to see Myungsoo today, especially not today.

The guys went to greet them as soon as they saw them.

Sungjin: Oh? Infinite... I've been a fan of you for a long time, it's really nice to finally meet you,

Juno: We're so glad to meet you, we like your music.

Si-woo: Seol-ah have told us many good things about you guys, we're so happy to see you.

I just waved a simple "Hello"

They all greeted each other, then we went to another table and took our seats.

Myungsoo was staring at me the whole time, he has never done it before, it made me feel quite uncomfortable. I had to do a lot of talking to distract myself, a part of me just wanted to act all happy and bubbly knowing that he's looking at me. I don't know why I was doing that but I was just doing it.

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