Chapter 20: Farewell. Will Time Take Care Of Everything?

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(Meanwhile in Woollim Entertainment)

Hoya who left the practice room to go to the bathroom enters holding a box.

Hoya: I found this in front of the door, I wonder what's in it. He said as he sits next to the other guys trying to unbox it.

Woohyun: Is it from our fans?

Sunggyu: Is it food?

Hoya: Wait, there's a card in here, it's from Seol ah.

Sungyeol: Why would Seol ah send us something in a box? Is it because of what she did in the morning?

Woohyun: What is it saying?

<< Dear Woohyun, Sungyeol, Hoya, Dongwoo, Sunggyu, and Sungjong. I'm sorry for leaving suddenly like this. If I see your faces, I'm afraid I won't have the courage to leave. That's why I left you this instead. These are letters to each one of you and I made these teddy bears for you with your name tags in them. I thought of you while I was making them. Thank you for all the happy and good time we spent together. I won't be able to forget any of you for the rest of my life. You're the best friends I've ever had. I love you.     -Seol ah>>

Each member received a different letter. 

Sunggjong has a fresh smile like sunshine. A cute guy with a unique sense of humor was such a great friend to Seol ah. Even though he was the youngest, she learned so much from him.

Sungyeol, the chic, and charismatic guy who has a hidden charm. The mood maker of Infinite.  You can instantly know when he's not there. His presence in Seol ah's life has always been so important to her.

Dongwoo, the gentleman and the guy who is like an angel. He's always ready to help others and be there for them. He's so naive and so nice, a smile would appear on Seol ah's face just by the thought of him.

Sunggyu, a true leader. Well... he's not just a leader he's a true brother and friend. A smart and considerate guy who always thinks of the other people around him, he has always been there for Seol ah, especially after she became Myungsoo's girlfriend. He was always worried about them, and he always wanted the best for them.

Hoya, there's no way you can't find him when you need him. Seol ah went through so many hardships after she got in the company, he was always there to help her and give her great pieces of advice, he would even scold her sometimes when she starts thinking about giving up. Hope he won't be disappointed after this. 

And finally Woohyun. Woohyun has always been Seol ah's closest friend from Infinite. Having him in her life, Seol ah's life became so much easier, especially after she lost her best friend. It's just like heaven has sent him to her as a reward after enduring what happened to her friend. He was there for her, he helped her, he loved her. And thanks to him, she now knows what it feels like to have an older brother. And at the bottom of the letter, she asked him one last favor. << Woohun-ah, I want to ask you a favor. One last favor. Myungsoo will probably be next to the train station at the moment you're reading this. He must be really sad. He probably hates me for doing this to him... Please go find him with the other members, and comfort him, he's probably not okay, I'm sorry for everything.>>

Sunggyu: What? She left? When? Why all of sudden?

Hoya: What's going on? Where did she go? And where is Myungsoo?

All the members were in complete shock. They weren't expecting something like this to happen at all, they all thought that things between Seol ah and Myungsoo are now okay after the company covered up the scandal rumors with the duet with Suzy.

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