Chapter 22: Regret? I Shouldn't Have Done That.

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Myungsoo: What did you just say? Seol ah... Was the CEO the one after all of this? I should have known it... he cannot just be this nice to me for no reason,  especially after what happened.

Woohyun told him everything. About the possibility of him leaving Infinite, about the CEO's threads, just everything.

Myungsoo: I knew she wouldn't do such thing for no reason... I knew she was hiding something but I never expected it to be this complicated. I'm gonna make him regret doing this to my girl.

Myungsoo was really furious. He even wanted to go and face the CEO right away but... What can he do? Would that bring Seol ah back? He has no idea where she is. Woohyun managed to calm him down after talking to him for so long. He even encouraged him to work hard saying that it's the only way to prove the CEO wrong, he said that only way to shut him up is becoming really successful. He promised him that after that he will help him look for Seol ah and try to find her wherever she is no matter what.

Seol ah has never told anyone about her hometown. All what she said was that she doesn't like to talk or think about it and that it brings her really bad memories, that's why Myungsoo never wanted to bother her no matter how curious and how bad he wanted to know about it. 

Myungsoo needed some time to think about everything. His breakup with Seol ah left a really deep wound on his heart. The heart that he never gave to anyone but her. He knows that she only thought about him and he knows that she did everything and gave up on everything just for him to be happy. He felt bad and he felt really guilty for every single thought that crossed his mind. He regretted thinking that he probably wasn't good enough for her or that she probably didn't love him that much. He was lost in thoughts. Lost in his tears. Yes... Myungsoo, Infinite L who has always been the cold, uninterested and careless guy is now crying because he loves someone so much and there's nothing he can do to bring her back. It's like the earth has swallowed her up, he couldn't find her anywhere, none of her friends know where she is. She never mentioned where her hometown is. What can he do? How would he even see her? Is he really never going to see her smile or her beautiful face again? The world is unfair, it's so unfair.

"I miss you, I miss you so much Seol ah yah." That was all that he keeps saying while still lying on his bed holding the teddy bear she gave him and drowning in his tears.

As for Seol ah... She is not eating well or sleeping well. She's depressed. The memories of her parents and best friend are still hunting her. She's either in her room or in Anna's room. She keeps thinking about Myungsoo. How is he doing? Did he manage to move on or is he still thinking of her and missing her every second just like she's missing him. Does he wish she was there next to him? Because she wishes he was with her, she needs him the most right now. She started to regret letting him go. It's just like he was the only person who brought joy to her life. And the fact that he's not there anymore makes everything become as painful as before or maybe even worse. She's not feeling like doing anything, she doesn't wanna go anywhere, and she's not talking to anyone. Anna's parents are so worried about her. Her friend Jake is worried about her. But all that she's thinking about is... "What if I'd just disappear? what if I was never born? I wish I was never born. Nothing feels right anymore."

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