Chapter 11: First Step Towards Love.

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Did I hear that wrong? He likes me... Kim Myungsoo likes me...

I forgot everything for a while, every single thing that had happened. It felt like the world stopped for a second. I had no worries, I didn't think of anything. That was all that I needed to know, he likes me back.

He cupped my cold face in his hands, "You're so beautiful, you know that?" He looked straight into my eyes and smiled. I've never been this close to him or anyone before. It was a breathless moment that I wished I could freeze and live in forever.

"Are doing anything for the rest of the day?" He asked with his eyes still looking straight into mine.

"N-no" I answered.

He instantly took my hand. "Come with me, I want to show you something."

We got into his car. I didn't know where we were going and I couldn't say a word. It seemed like we were getting a bit far from the city, but I didn't care about that. Everything felt like a dream. I was staring at him all the time as he was driving wondering is this real? Am I dreaming again?

"It's not a dream" He held my hand with a genuine smile carved on his face.

"Did you just read my mind?"

"I know you more than you think Eun Sol-ah, we're here." He stopped the car.

"Where are we?" I asked.

" Just wait and you'll see" He took his camera.

"What is that for?"

He held my hand, " I want to show you something, something special."

I looked around but no one was there, no buildings, a few cars on the road, nothing but an abandoned amusement park that looked quite creepy.

"This-This place looks creepy... are you sure this is where you meant to come?" I looked around all confused and scared.

"I'm with you. There's no way I can let anything bad happen to you. Do you trust me?" He gave me an assuring look.

I nodded "I trust you."

We entered the abandoned amusement park. It was huge. We walked for five minutes or so.

"Can you at least tell me where are we going?" I asked him again

"We're almost there. I want you to close your eyes now."

I gave him an apprehensive look.

"Just do it, I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere, " He smiled at me reassuringly. His hand reached for mine, "Look, I'll be holding your hand the whole time, I won't let go."

He started talking as we were slowly walking with my eyes still closed. "I first came here a few years ago. This place has been abandoned and empty for more than ten years. Back then, I used to go to whatever abanded place I came across to take pictures until my feet somehow led me here " He suddenly stopped walking.

"No, not yet. Keep them closed" He said as he covered my eyes even before I open them. " Don't open your eyes yet, just listen to me."

"...When I first got here. I wished I could show this place to someone... someone special. I know it's a bit too early to say this but since the day I saw you Eun Seol-ah. I thought you'd be the only girl who would own my heart... You can open your eyes now."

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