Chapter 24: I'm Going To You.

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The season has changed and it's winter now.

Infinite members are currently shooting their own variety show, that's why they're going to be visiting some countries around Europe.

(Seol ah)

I woke up early on this cold morning, ahh! what is that delicious smell? Kathryn must be making pancakes.  I looked at the window and it's snowing for the first time this winter. I love snow! It's been a long time since I've seen snow in London. I should definitely go out today.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to find Kathryn making pancakes while her husband (Jim) drinking his morning coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning" I excitedly said.

"Good morning sweetheart! Did you sleep well?" Kathryn said while still cooking.

"Good morning Cassie, you're up early today!" Jim said as he smiled at me.

"Yes, it's snowing for the first time this year! I want to go out and take pictures." I said as I took a seat next to him.

We had a delicious breakfast together, we were all talking about many things. Having mornings like this makes me feel like we're a family, I'm in a really good mood today, I wonder how is Myungsoo doing.

I got ready, took my camera and went out, I'm so excited to take beautiful pictures on this wonderful day.


We're in London. And it's snowing. We've only come here once a long time ago but I didn't have the chance to go out or take pictures. Today we don't have anything to do in the morning, that's why I woke up early so I can walk around and take a look at this wonderful city and take some pictures as well.

I still remember that day when it first snowed in Korea after Seol ah became my girlfriend. She was so excited and she took so many photos. She loves snow. I wonder if it's snowing where she is right now, I wonder where she is right now and what she's doing. I really miss her... Even when I'm not in Korea, everything around me reminds me of her.

The first place that I went to was the Tower of London, it's a really beautiful place. People were ice-skating out there and I could see some cute couples holding hands while doing that. That made me think of her... if only she was here with me. If only she was here with me in this beautiful city. I'm pretty sure she would have loved it. 

After taking some pictures I headed to the top of Primrose Hill, I was searching on the internet and this place looked like a really great place to take good pictures. According to some websites, It gives a fantastic view of the London skyline. 

I finally arrived at Primrose Hill. Woah... This place is so beautiful. I thought it would be crowded but nobody's here, probably because it's so cold and it's snowing. 

I was amazed by the great scenery so I was too into taking pictures until someone appeared on my camera. An angel-like face with a beautiful shining smile person holding a camera and taking pictures in the same area I was in. For some reason, I felt like the world has stopped and everything around me has disappeared. Am I dreaming again? Is she really Eun Seol ah? My Seol ah? The girl I've been looking for everywhere is now standing in front of me when I least expected it. I couldn't move. I was afraid this might be a dream, what if I wake up when I try to talk to her or touch her? I was standing there staring at her. I've never got enough of looking at her. How am I feeling? I don't know. It's inexplicable happiness mixed with an inexplicable fear and excitement. I don't know what kind of feeling is that. 

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