Chapter 13: Revenge.

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"Insoo??? Song Insoo? Why do you have Seol-ah's phone? What's going on?"

Insoo: You remember me? Woah... I'm impressed that you even remember my full name. I thought you already forgot about this WORTHLESS fool.

"What the hell is going on? Where's Seol-ah? Song Insoo! Where are you?"

Insoo: Remember when we used to play hide and seek dear friend? Ga-in and I used to hide and you used to spend minutes and even hours trying to find us. Let's play that game again. But this time it's not Ga-in and me. It's your lovely girlfriend, Eun Seol ah. Let's see if you can find her before the game is over.

"Hey, Song Insoo! Quit playing games! If you have something against me come and see ME. It's between you and me. Don't get her involved in this. I swear if something happens to her I won't let it slide this time."

Insoo: The game will be over after the sunset. Let's see if you love her.

"Insoo??? Hey Song Insoo???"

He hung up. I can't believe he kidnapped Seol-ah... If anything happens to her I don't think I can... No, Noway. Song Insoo. you'd better be joking this time.

I sent a message to the guys.

"Guys let's meet NOW. It's an urgent matter. "

(Seol ah)

<< I can see them... My parents... They're both in the car, they look happy, they're laughing. Dad must be telling mum one of his silly jokes again. Wait... I can hear them. Where am I? Is this the gas station? Oh... that store, they sell my favourite strawberry ice cream out there. Dad is telling mum he's going to get it for me. My heart is pounding. They stopped by to get me ice cream. No! Dad! go back to the car, I don't want it! Something so bad is gonna happen I can feel it... Oh my God, what's going on... There's fire everywhere... The car is burning... Oh no, Mum!!!! Dad!! Please no... They're gone. My parents died... Because of me >>

It was a nightmare... That nightmare again. My heart is pounding as I woke up, I'm sweating profusely and my eyes are teary... I'm shaking.

I looked around trying to find something I can recognize, the room is silent, the roof is too high, I can see a top-hinged roof window above me, I can see palm trees, this place looks old, where am I? I can't move. I'm tied up. My hands are bound. No matter how I try I cannot untie myself. What's going on? why am I here?? I'm freaking out. I took a moment to calm down and recall what had exactly happened... when that person suddenly entered the room, he's that person who claimed to be Myungsoo's friend.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Myungsoo... Where is Myungsoo??" I yelled.

"You're being a bit too loud, don't you think so? MissSeol ah?" He calmly said.

"Help! Is there anyone here?? Please help me!!!!" I shouted with all my might.

"No matter how loud you shout, nobody is gonna hear you. We're the only persons here." He brought another chair and sat in front of me.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? How do you know Myungsoo? Why did you bring me here? I have no money... Please let me go." I said with a shaky voice, tears were already streaming out of my eyes.

He let out a sarcastic laugh. "How cute... Money? you're so funny. I'm going to tell you a story, so listen carefully and don't make me lose my temper. Or else, you'll never guess what's gonna happen." He stood up and slowly walked to the window. "You know where we are right now, don't you? you've already been here." He asked while looking at the window.

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