Chapter 29: Letting Go With A Smile.

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(A week later)

Seol ah and Muyungsoo's relationship has received so much hate from Suzy's fans. Especially Myungsoo, his fanbase, and popularity were dropping day after day, many of his fans loved him so much and they were totally against his relationship, but of course, there were some understanding and supportive fans still by his side, they're still sticking around because they just want him to be happy.

But still, that didn't affect Myungsoo and Seol ah's relationship in any way. The two of them are still holding onto each other stronger than ever.

(Seol ah)

The alarm clock was ringing.

Ahh! Is it the morning already? It's so hard waking up in the morning on these cold days. But still, I'm so excited, Myungsoo is getting better and he's going to be released from the hospital today, that's why I woke up early.

I quickly got ready and went to the hospital. I brought him breakfast on my way. As soon as I arrived, I excitedly opened the door of his room, he's probably still sleeping.

I entered his room but no one was there, he's not in the bathroom either and none of his stuff is here. Where did he go so early in the morning? Ah... My stomach is hurting again, I don't know what's strong with me these days, it's killing me.

The doctor walked next to the room, as soon as I saw him I quickly ran to him. I only run for seconds but why am I breathing so heavily?

"Excuse me doctor, but did you by any chance see Myungsoo? He's not in his room and his clothes and things are not there either!" I said.

"He was released this morning, a man came and picked him up! Didn't he tell you that?" He asked.

"No, he didn't... That's weird... Okay, thank you, doctor." I bowed and I was about to leave when he suddenly asked me.

"But.. Seol ah-ssi? You don't look fine, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm... I'm fine, it's probably because I didn't sleep well last night." I politely said.

"I would still recommend you to do a medical check-up as soon as possible. You're still young, you should pay more attention to your health. I have to go now, have a nice day." He said.

"Yeah, I will, have a nice day!" I said.

Why did I lie? I'm obviously not okay. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so in pain, and painkillers aren't that useful anymore. I should probably see a doctor.

I've been trying to call Myungsoo but why isn't he picking up? And who was the man he went to within the morning? Ahh... why isn't he telling me anything.

(Earlier in the morning)

CEO: Myungsoo, wake up we have to go, I'm here to pick you up!

Myungsoo: Sajaginm(CEO)? Why are you here? *he looked at his phone* It's 6:30 in the morning. You never come here, did something happen?

CEO: I'll tell you everything once we get out of here.

Myungsoo: But Seol ah is-

CEO: *cuts him off* Just call her later. This is important.

(Later after they got to the company)

Myungsoo: We came all the way here so you can tell me that? When are you going to accept that my relationship with Seol ah is real and serious, I thought you got over it. Just stop it for God's sake. *kicked the chair and about to go out*

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