Chapter 17: With You..

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Our manager kept saying that none of the rumors is true, he apologized for the misunderstanding and promised the CEO that he'll make sure nothing like that will happen in the future. He even asked me to apologize.

I didn't say a word. I was thinking about the whole thing, everything.

Do I have to live like this forever? How long should I endure it and keep lying to everyone around me? It's been three years already. Is loving someone a crime? Is it really that bad? I don't want to do this anymore. Kim Myungsoo! It's time to man up and stand up for yourself.

"It's not a misunderstanding," I said.

The manager gave me a questioning look.

"It's all true. The girl in the picture is my girlfriend. I've been in love with her for three years. I think it's time to reveal everything. I don't wanna keep hiding this anymore. We've never been to an appropriate date all these years just because I was afraid of things like "rumors" and "scandals". Can you even tell me how is being in love with someone a scandal? I don't care about what's going to happen, I know that my fans love me so I'm pretty sure they will understand. I know they just want me to be happy, and I'm happy as long as I'm with Seo-"

"What in the world are you doing?" the manager cut me off before I say her name. (her face wasn't clear on the photos so no one knows it's Seol ah)

What I said made our CEO ever more furious.

"Who is she?" He asked with clenched teeth.

I was so mad that I didn't even think before talking. I know our CEO and I know that he's only running after money. He'd do everything to get rid of anyone who gets in his way and something like this may bring all the group down... But denying it may kill my relationship with Seol ah as well... Ahh, what should I do? 

I knew that this conversation wasn't  going anywhere, we were both so angry. So I just left the office without saying anything.

I could hear the manager telling him that he will talk to me.

(Later in the meeting room)


The manager: It's for your own sake. For Seol ah's sake. Even if you keep dating her secretly, he won't leave you alone. You already know what he is capable of doing.

" You know I love her more than anything else, do you really think I'll give up on her that easily?"

The manager: What about the other members? Don't you think that whatever you're doing now will affect them? And even if they'll be by your side and support you, what about your career? And your fans? Are all these things that meaningless to you? Do you think that your fans will accept that you're already in a relationship right away? They haven't even seen her face yet and they're all going crazy. Do you think they'll leave her alone after they find out who she is?

 "Ahh... I'm going crazy seriously." I scratched my head.

A day has passed and the members knew what happened and as expected they said that no matter what my decision will be they will always support me. However, I heard nothing from the CEO. He didn't even talk to me or did anything after what happened yesterday which made me suspicious. I'm sure he's planning to do something. 

We finished practicing around 8 pm. Today was a really long day. We were getting ready to go to the dorm when Insoo suddenly entered the practice room.

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