Chapter 26: Just One Day.

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(Seol ah)

"Myungsoo..I'm here!" I said as I waved at him.

He was lost since he doesn't know this place, he looked really confused. How adorable!

"Seol ah yah... I was looking for you!"  He gave me a hug. "I miss you." He whispered.

"You've just seen me in the morning." I jokingly said.

" I keep missing you every time you're not around."  He said.

"Me too."  I smiled at him.

"So... Where are we going?"  He said as he looked around.

"I've always wanted to go on a plain date with the person I love, but Myungsoo Oppa is too popular that we couldn't do all these cute things all the couples do," I pouted.

He looked down. "I'm sorry..." He said. 

"No, let's never apologize to each other again. It's not your fault Myungsoo yah, I'm just joking.  You've done so much for me up to now and today I want to be the one who makes you happy, I want to make up for all that you went through after I left... So... um, what should we do first?" I excitedly said.

"Seol ah" He said with a serious tone. " You know, this is the second time you do something like this first, you're not planning to do anything stupid, right?" He asked as he looked straight into my eyes while holding both of my shoulders.

"I'm not going anywhere Myungsoo yah... This is my hometown, remember? Oppa... You don't have to worry about that anymore. I'll make sure to always be by your side. " I gave him a comforting smile. 

"You promise?" He flicked up  his pinky finger.

"I promise."  We intertwined our pinky fingers. 

He looked so tired and worried, even though he was smiling I could see that he wasn't feeling that good. I want to make him feel better today, I want to make him smile one more time.


"Let's go,"  She grabbed my hand.

"Where?"  I asked.

"Shopping! let's get matching outfits. I never mentioned this but... since I was a teenager I've always dreamed of that kind of ideal date, going to the amusement park at night with my boyfriend wearing matching outfits." She shyly said.

Matching clothes? I never really thought of that. But since she always wanted to do that, I'll do it for her. I've always wanted to hold her hand and go to places without having to worry about anything. Going to the amusement park or anywhere in the world, wherever we go, it doesn't matter to me. If we keep finding our way back to each other and holding each other hands. That's all that matters to me. It's amazing how we've known each other for years but she keeps surprising me and letting me see a new side of her every time we see each other.

"Let's go!"  I said with a wide smile.

We bought matching coats and shoes. She was so happy, I really missed seeing her like this. I couldn't be happier. Everything about today is just wonderful. 

We're now going to the amusement park. 

After we bought our tickets and got in she suddenly gave me a cold look.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She didn't say anything, she just kept staring at me. "Seol ah yah, what's wrong? You're making me worry!" I said.

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