Chapter 3: The meeting.

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As we finally got to Woollim entertainment after a long silent drive, we entered the building, professor Park asked me to go to the meeting room and wait for him there since he had to talk to Infinite's manager for a bit.

I went straight to the elevator after he explained to me where to go, heading to the 7th floor.

I stood in front of the elevator looking at the floor, lost in my thoughts until I heard a voice.

"Aren't you getting in?" Someone asked

I slowly got in without looking up.

"Floor? " he asked with an annoyed tone.

"7th," I replied carelessly with my head still down.

As the elevator went up, my vision blurred and I felt like something was dragging me down, a hand took hold of my elbow, while another one held my other hand.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look.

I slowly lift my head to see a familiar face looking straight into my eyes with his wide dark brown eyes.

" Kim diary... kid? ... Am I dreaming?" I spoke to myself.

I fastly pulled away once I came back to my senses thinking " This cannot  be happening"

I got out of the elevator as soon as it opened, I stole a glance at him as I was walking to the meeting room. The shook was all over his face. "I should've at least thanked him" I whined.


Who is that girl? I've never seen her here before...

I wonder what's wrong with her, she looks like someone has forcefully dragged here or something. Was it so hard to say the word thanks though?

Something must be up with her. How can she be so ill-mannered? She could've fallen and hurt herself if I wasn't there to catch her, and she still traits me this way? As If I was trying to harras her or something?

Ahh seriously... why am I even thinking about this?

I shook my head and went to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee.


The meeting room was empty, I took a seat right next to the huge window, it's raining.

I love rain, its smell, its sound... It makes me feel good.

It makes me feel alive.

(Flashback to yesterday's night)

<< After the teacher hung up, I kept thinking whether I should go or not.

How can I go and meet one of the most famous k-pop boy band in Korea all alone after I recently lost my best friend who was supposed to go with me, I know it's a school project but  she was even more excited than me to see Infinite, she only listens to them, she even wanted to meet Woohyun so bad. He's her idol. How can I just meet him now after she passed away?

Passed away... It's so hard for me to even spell these two words.

I called my teacher back, and I told him everything explaining to him why I can't go.

He felt so bad for my loss but he still insisted that I should go. What he said next was something that I've never expected or even dreamed of.

"Seol ah, I know that what's you're going through right now is so hard. I can only imagine how devastated you're feeling right now but I need you to listen to me carefully. It's either now or never.

You're one of the best students in your class, your Korean has improved a lot in such little amount of time. In addition to your writing skills. You're one of the rarest persons who can put all their feeling and emotions on a piece of paper. I know you like Infinite, and since their manager is a close friend of mine, I knew from him that they need more songwriters and I suggested him and the boys to meet you, he accepted and agreed to give you 20 days to write a song or a few songs that suits Infinite's concept.

Listen Seol ah.

I know you can do this, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and that can even change your whole future and career, so please think it through, I'm sure that if your friend was still alive she would be so happy for you and she wouldn't let you miss such a life-changing opportunity.

I'll let you think about it now, and whatever decision you're gonna make, I'll be supporting you."

(End of flashback)

"Have I possibly made the right decision by coming?" I asked myself.

I was startled when I saw everyone standing in front of me, Infinite's members, professor Park, and their manager, I gasped.

I hate how awkward I am at social events.

They all chuckled at my weird reaction except for Myungsoo.

I stood up and introduced myself. "Um... My name is Eun Seol ah, nice to meet you all." I bowed.

I heard one of them say in a low tone "how cute" I could recognise his voice, it was Woohyun. The other members gave him a "stop it, would you" kind of look. A secret smile escaped from my mouth as I stole a glance at him, "Nam Woohyun, how silly... I can see why Anna liked you" I thought.

They all introduced themselves and started by asking me random questions except for Myungsoo. The only word he managed to utter was "Myungsoo" while introducing himself, he would stare at me now and then which made me a bit uncomfortable. For a second, I wished I could read his mind to get a hint on whatever was going on there, he was giving me the kind of look that says " I know you're just pretending." But I just ignored it, maybe we're quite alike after all, neither of us is that talkative when it comes to being  this serious.

As for the other members, each of them had a little something noticeable about their personalities and way of talking. Which I found quite interesting.

Sungyeol seemed carefree and funny, I did giggle for the first time in days thanks to him. Sungjong was so sweet and even though he is the youngest, he seemed very mature and open-minded. Sunggyu was quite shy but seemed very passionate about what he does, something about him gave me that brotherly vibe kinda feelingwhich I found adorable, as for Dongwoo... I liked how spontaneous and fun he is. I now understand why his fans call him a ray of sunshine. Hoya, at first he seemed a bit serious but having a conversation with him was unexpectedly easy, his hard-working attitude makes me wanna be more like him.

Woohyun reminds me so much of Anna. He's goofy, playful, emotional and kind, he was the easiest to interact with, and this kept me wondering what if Anna was here, they'd get along so well.

And finally, Myungsoo. I barely heard his voice. This cold, quiet and mysterious guy who was sitting right in front of me, I would've disliked him if I didn't know much about him. I don't know if he was trying to punish for what I did earlier but looking back to what happened, he seemed kind-hearted, I could see the warmth through his cold looks. I don't exactly know why but I did see myself in him.

Getting to spend some time with these guys made me realize how much I needed friends like them in my life. Their friendship seemed real. I genuinely enjoyed their company, and for a second, maybe just a second, I almost forgot about the cruel life I had waiting for me in the outside world while I was laughing with them in that meeting room.

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