Chapter 15: Friendship? Another Word For Love.

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SONG INSOO?? What's going on? Why is he here?

I asked one of the doctors who was standing out there. "Excuse me, is he okay? What happened to him?"

"Do you know him? Someone found him drowning in a river under the bridge. We cannot contact any of his relatives or friends." He said.

"He's my... friend. Do you know how did he get there? Was it a car accident?" I asked.

"Someone saw him jumping from the bridge, they said he was trying to kill himself." He said.

"WHAT?" What I heard came to me as a complete shock.

Why did he do such a thing? Especially after what he did to Seol ah and me. Song Insoo.. what is really wrong with you? I was so angry at you, but now that I'm seeing you like this... I don't know how to feel anymore.


" Have you ever thought about the future? Like how are we going to be after 10 years or more? I'm tired of being a kid, I wanna grow up."

Insoo: After 10 years? Um, I'm not sure... But you're going to still be my friend right?

"Of course. You're the best friend I've ever had. We'll grow up together, go to college together and even get married on the same day."

Insoo: Oh! That's a good idea. I always wished I had a brother, but I think I do have one now. Let's be a best friend forever.

(End of Flashback)

I was outside of his room waiting the whole time, I needed to see him. I had so many questions on my mind, I needed answers. I also... never wanted him to die.

The doctor finally came out. "How is he doing doctor? Is he okay?" I asked.

"His condition is stable now, he won't be awake until the morning but you may go see him now." He said.

I slowly walked to his bed. "Insoo? What happened to us? What happened to our friendship? When did we become like this? Hurting each other whenever we get the chance to. Didn't we agree to stay best friends forever? How can you do this to your best friend? I know I wasn't a decent person either... And I'm sorry for treating you that way back in our trainee days. I never wanted this to happen, I always thought of you as my brother. I don't know if I can forgive you for what you did to Seol ah. But I can't believe you did that. You didn't mean to kill an innocent person, did you?"

I went back to my room, my whole body was aching, I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep. I was just lying down for hours thinking about everything. I then went back to Seol ah's room. She hasn't woke up yet but the doctor says that she's eventually getting better.

(Early in the morning)

(Seol ah)

I woke up with the sunlight shining on my face. I looked around... I'm in the hospital. A hand was holding mine, It was Myungsoo sleeping on the chair next to my bed while holding my hand. He did it. He saved my life again. I was staring at him... how can someone look like an angel while sleeping?

He suddenly jolted awake.

"Was it a bad dream?" I asked him.

He came closer and held my face. "You're... awake. Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He worriedly asked.

"I'm fine, but you don't look okay...Did you get hurt?" I looked up at him.

"As long as you're okay, I'm perfectly fine" He gave me a warm smile.

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