Chapter 6: Feeling Weird.

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(... 6 days later)

( Myungsoo)

I looked at my phone first thing after I woke up, It's 6 am. Why do I keep waking up so early?

I made breakfast then made my way to my spot. I like spending time here in the morning. It's refreshing.

I took a deep morning breath as I arrived, I haven't been here since that day. Eun Seol ah has been meeting the guys all this week, and I'm the only one left, I believe I'll see her later today. The guys couldn't stop talking about her and about how excited they are for our next come back, they're saying she's fun and cheerful and they enjoyed working with her. Not quite how I imagined her to be after our first meeting honestly, I brought that diary with me, I haven't read it since that day, I've been so busy I barely had some time to sleep.

I read everything about how happy she was before her parents died and how did her best friend's parents take good care of her after they passed away. How much she likes flowers to the point that she doesn't like it when people give others flowers because she thinks that they're prettier when they're alive. She's one of a kind. I like how she puts pictures on the top of every page or a specific thing she talks about.

As I turned the page I was surprised to see the picture that I've never expected to see.

As I turned the page I was surprised to see the picture that I've never expected to see

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My picture? why is my picture even here?

<<Dear diary,

Today, I want to talk to you about a special person. This guy on the picture, I fell in love with his words before even seeing his face, his book inspired me a lot, he was the reason I almost got fired from my part-time job a month ago. *talking about the dream* I was so into that dream that I didn't even want to wake up which made me almost burn the whole apartment. I don't know what's so special about this guy but knowing that there is another individual in this words that shares almost the same ideas, thoughts and life perspective as I made me feel relieved, I've always felt like I'm the black sheep being with whoever group of people I'd meet but after reading his book for the... I even lost count of how many times I read that book, it made me feel that kind of inexplicable feeling that even words cannot describe. Weird, isn't it? I mean, I don't even know him. After I looked him up, I couldn't help but like his smile, it's beautiful. I'm now on the plane flying to Korea, I was bored since it's a long flight when he suddenly crossed my mind, so I just decided to write about him. And this picture, I've had it for quite some time now, I don't know why I'm keeping it but I thought why not put it in here, how about a little secret crush dear diary? no one would find out, right? It's my favourite picture of him. >>

I'm speechless. I wonder why did she act like she didn't even know me when we first met?

...and before I realized it, I caught myself smiling like a fool. Why does she make me feel this way? She does it all the time, she always makes me think. I feel like I don't recognize myself anymore since the day I met her, I keep having weird thoughts, I keep having this weird feeling that I don't even know what it is.

( Seol-ah)

Aaah! it's finally Friday, I had a long week, I had to go to the university every day, then go to the company to meet the guys, I cannot wait for this day to end so I can spend the whole weekend at home.

I got ready and headed to the university. I arrived there 15min earlier. So I just went straight to class put my backpack on my desk then rested my head on it waiting for the proffesor to show up.

"Look who got here this early." I heard Ye Seul saying loudly.

"Oh is that... what's her name again? Seol ah? " Jae Eun replied sarcastically.

" Seol ah? Is that even her real name?" She asked trying to hold back her laugh.

"Of course it's not, what are you talking about, it's just as fake as her personality" They both laughed loudely.

I slowly lift my head to see what's going on,

"Aww she looks so tired, it's so hard working with famous idols and studying at the same time right?" Ye Seul foolishly asked.

I put my headsets on, rolled my eyes without saying a single word, even though it wasn't plugged in, I just pretended I was not hearing anything, I'm not dealing with this anymore. I can't believe the girls I thought were my closest friends are now being such pathetic bullies just because I got to work with certain famous people, what, are we back to high school or something?

"How did you do that hm? You seemed a bit too friendly with proffesor Park, is that so? I knew it, you shameless slut." She smirked.

Hearing such disgusting thing coming out of her mouth made my blood boil, I couldn't control myself.

I stood up furiously which the chair fall on the ground.

"What did you just say? I'm a bit too friendly with professor Park? You must have confused me with youself. Am I the one who's doing all the kind of things just to be the centre of attention? Look at the way you're acting, look at your face and clothes, why are you trying so hard? And you Min Jae Eun! I gave her a withering look. "I thought you were better than this." I quietly went back to my seat. "You guys are so pathetic"

Everyone in the class gave me a wide-eyed look.

"I knew you weren't that innocent" Ye Seul mumbled as she was walked back to her seat right after the professor entered.

After the class was over I decided to go straight to the company, I'm supposed to meet Myungsoo after an hour and a half, I'll just go there and think of a good structure that will go well with the song I'm writing. And since I've already met the other guys, I kinda have an idea of how the song is going to be. It's called "Man in love" and it's obviously about how a man feels when he's in love so I'm taking in consideration each member's perspective.

Since I spent some time talking with the other members alone, I decided to use what they said about love as inspiration to writing their lines.

Sungjong described love as being inside a melodrama, Woohyun talked about how he'd go out of his way to empress his lover, Sunggyu mentioned that time flies so fast when someone is in love, Dongwoo described how he'd feel just by looking at the person he loves, and how he would give all he has to the person he loves. Sungyeol compared himself to a naive child when it comes to love. And Hoya said that if he had a lover, he'd draw her every day and make sure to be her resting place that will never cool down. So romantic huh? I can only imagine how lucky all the girls that will be these guys' girlfriends or wives.

For the past few days, going to the company was my only escape from the real cruel world. I like working here with these nice people, if only I can do this forever.


After I arrived in the company, I saw Sunggyu in the cafeteria, he greeted me and told me that Myungsoo is in the practice room, in case I was looking for him. I went directly to the practice room, he was sitting on the floor drinking water. He must have been practising so hard. I lost track of myself staring at him without even trying.

"Am I that handsome?" he chuckled.

I quickly got back to my senses and shook my head. " You're so full of yourself," 

"Aren't we supposed to meet after more than an hour? What brings you here so early?" He asked.

"I came here straight from the university, I wanted to work a bit on the song before meeting you, I didn't know you'd be here," I answered, still in front of the practice room.

"I'll just go to the meeting room and work on it until you finish practising" I added as Istepped back.

I suddenly felt a hand grabbing mine.

"W-What are y-..."

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