Chapter 32: One Last Memory.

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I was startled after I heard she was asking for me, I wasn't expecting that she will still want to see me after all that happened.

I slowly walked towards the door and tried to open it. I was so nervous and worried. How can I look at her after I left her alone fighting her own illness and having a hard time on her own? I didn't know how to look at her, what to tell her, or anything, how can I even look at her eyes and tell her how much I love her?  I felt really guilty and ashamed of myself. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to be with her, I wanted to see her and stay by her side. I don't care about anything else.

I finally opened the door. She looked at me with her teary eyes. "Myungsoo..."  She whimpered, I could barely hear her. 

I can't believe that... My Seol ah... she was fine just a few days ago... Why is she lying there? Why does she look so weak? I was trying to hold back my tears but seeing her like that was so heartbreaking, it was impossible for me not to cry. I slowly walked closer to her... "Seol ah yah... it's not true, right? The doctor... he's not saying the truth...  Please tell me he's wrong...  You're fine, and you're going to live a long good life, right?" I said with a shaky voice.

At that moment, I wasn't thinking about anything. Not even what to say, or what to do... It was so hard for me to believe that the only girl I've ever loved is in so much pain and I can't do anything for her. 

She didn't say anything, she was just looking at me intently. She just looked at me, she gave me that look that I couldn't resist. That kind of look that says "Please don't let me go, please hug me and just stay by my side."  as if she was begging me to never leave her, to hold her hand, to save her.

I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, Seol ah yah... I'm so sorry for not being there for you. I'll stay with you from now on, forever. I'll never let you go. I'll never leave you alone. Just please... please stay with me. It's... " I couldn't keep talking since I was crying too much.

"It's okay, it's going to be fine." She patted my back trying to comfort me.

She's the one in pain yet she's still trying to comfort me and make me feel better... what did I do to deserve her love? She was trying to look strong in front of me but I know deep down that she's so scared and lost.

  I softly leaned my forehead on hers. "That's right, my love. It's going to be alright I'll protect you, I'll save you... Don't worry Seol ah, and don't be scared. I'll do everything to save you. You don't have to worry about anything anymore. Oppa will take care of everything." I whispered.

"You promise?" She asked as tears left her eyes and made their way down her cheeks.

"I promise you, my love. Just trust me. Let's live a long happy life and finish our life at the same time and day, I promise that I'll stay with you until then, it's too early to do that now. Just stay with me, I'll do anything to keep you by my side." I said.

"I love you."  She whispered.

"I love you more." 

I was holding her hand the whole time, telling her jokes and trying to cheer her up until someone entered the room.

"Oh, Jake? When did you get here?" She excitedly asked him.

"Can you leave us alone?" He glared at me.

This guy... He's really getting on my nerves. Is he really like a brother to her?

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