Chapter 25: Encounter. We're Fated To Be Together.

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(Seol ah)

"You're mine Seol ah. Don't ever do that again. Don't ever think about leaving me again. I'll kill you if you do."  Hearing these words from him gave me goosebumps. His hugs, his kisses, his sweet words... I missed that, I missed all of that so much. I missed him so much and I just don't care about anything else, can't I just spend another day with him? Just one more day?

He will kill me, he said? It's not like I actually feel alive when I'm away from him.

I couldn't help but smile at him after what he said. He smiled at me back... God, I missed his smile, I miss his cute dimples... and seeing him smiling at me like this again made my heart skip a beat. 

He then held my hand. " Your hands are so cold, why didn't you wear gloves?" He said while he took his gloves out of his backpack, he gave me one and put my other hand in his pocket still holding it. " Yah... Are you okay? Why do you look so skinny? You haven't been eating well, have you?"  He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine... I just... I missed you."  I said as I looked down.

"You don't look fine... Come on, it's lunchtime. Let's eat something. You should eat well." 

"What if.," I said as I stopped walking.

"You don't have to worry about that." He cut me off. " I don't care about that, and I believe our CEO can't do anything about it anymore. You're the love of my life and I can't keep hiding this forever. " He cupped my face. " Seol ah yah... Just stay with me hm? Don't care about anything else just care about us." 

I nodded. "I only care about you," I said after I held his hand.

I'm so happy that I can't even tell if this is a dream or reality, what did I do to deserve the love of this perfect man? 


It's crazy how I was feeling really down and empty just a while ago and now I feel like I'm the happiest man ever. Love can do that to people.

We went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch.

"So, is this pace  your hometown?" I asked her.

"Yes, it is! But... how did you know I'm here? Why did you come here?" She curiously asked. 

"I looked for you everywhere but... I never thought you'd be here. Isn't it a beautiful coincidence?"

"It sure is... You made my day again. I couldn't be happier." She said as she smiled at me. 

"It's a really great thing that we came here to shoot our Tv show. " 

"We? Are the other members here too? Oh! I really miss them..." She said. 

"Let's all meet together tomorrow! Since the day you left, they always talk about you as if you were another member of Infinite." I said acting mad.

"Haha, are you jealous? Because they love me more than you?" She joking said.

"What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure they love me more." We both burst into laughter. Ahh... I haven't laughed this way since she left... 

 We talked about everything. I really missed her, I wanted to know everything, what she was doing, who she was with, and how she was doing when she was here all this time without me.  We were so into the conversation when her phone started ringing.

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