Chapter three- Confined by walls.

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Chapter three

The rest of the mission when over smoothly, unfortunately. I really would have enjoyed showing that snotty brat up, we returned the wall. No one had died, for once the outside of the wall had been incredibly quiet. Only that abstantant had shown up for some reason, we returned to the post.

I dismounted lullaby, but left her saddled up. I planned to go for a ride like I always enjoyed doing when it got late,  the sound of shouting and a possible fight caught my attention. Erwin was standing, towering should say above Levi the boy had a defiant scowl on his face. I moved over to them, shoving though the group of trainees who watched in confusion and some in completely disgust at Levis attitude. “Listen boy, if you didn't want to follow the rules you shouldn't have come here!” Erwin bellowed as I neared them, aside from Levis size he looked pretty scary from where I was standing. “I didn't want to come here, I was forced. By you!” The boy shot back, Erwin spotted me and straightened up, he had to bend over to be eye to eye with the five foot three trainee.

What did he mean forced…? I wondered, but I ignored it, surely Levi was just making a stink because he wanted attention. “Perhaps you can straighten him out Alya, you've worked magic before.” He growled, shoving past me and slamming the door on the way in, the rest of the group resumed cleaning up there horses and stabling them. I sighed, running my hand across my forehead. The boy looked down at me, he was shorter than the commander but taller then I, only by an inch now that I was closer to him I could see that.

He wrinkled his nose back as I smiled at him “Well, it seems you have quiet the attitude Rivaille.” I said to him, he frowned at me continuing to hold my gaze with his sharp indigo eyes. “I prefer Ackerman.” That got my attention, the smile left my face and I narrowed my eyes lifting my chin to get a better look at him. “Ackerman? Then you are Ackermans son?” I asked feeling the hate poor though me like boiling water, Levi rolled his shoulders back slightly giving me the ‘Are you stupid?’ look “No captain Ginger, I was trained by him.” I recoiled slightly “You!” I laughed in disbelief “Captain Ackerman is much to intelligent to train someone like you!” I said sneering slightly he suddenly made a grab for my face but I'd seen the muscle movements and caught his hand before he could get me, pure rage was in his eyes. Burning like wild fire. “How dare you, Ackerman was a kind man he trained me well. I know more then you'll ever know.” I shoved him back, noticing we had caught the eyes of the trainees.

Who were trying to look causal while watching us fight like an old married couple. “I'll have you know, I was trained by Ser Ackerman myself!” I said “You should watch your tone you asshole.” I hissed, so incredibly tempted to give him a kick in the balls. But, I refrained myself dropping my hands and going back to my horse leaving the boy standing in the dust. I rode my horse around him stopping slightly ahead “We start your attitude readjustment tomorrow.” I said kicking the horse and taking off into the flat land and trees beyond, I was going to a small pond that I'd loved forever.

I road lullaby up to the river that lead to the pond, stopping the steed at the edge of the little lake, lily’s floated in the center of the pool I dismounted and walked to the water kicking off my shoes and rolling up my pant legs flopping down in the sand and grass closing my eyes and dipping my feet into the water, the cold sent a shiver up my spine as I laid there listening to the quiet humming of the birds.

Lullaby sniffed my face and nickered quietly at the distance, I opened my eyes and looked up to see the chest of a white horse I frowned slightly sitting up in surprise as Erwin dismounted his steed before me. “Hm. stalking me now?” I asked chuckling softly. The commander smirked, offering me his hand I took it and stood “Thanks for the warning Lullaby” I said to my horse, going over to her. “Whats up?” I asked the commander, he smoothed his hair back with his hand, letting out an exasperated sigh. “That Ackerman kid is a pain in my neck.” I blinked “You heard my conversation?” I asked. He nodded looking into the pond that reflected the setting sun with each shimmer. “He was a previous outlaw, we captured him and killed his friends.” He said, I recoiled in surprise. “W-What, why?” Erwin looked over at me, I saw remorse in his eyes. “We didn't mean it, they put up to much of a fight.” He said.

I lowered my eyes to the saddle bag on my horse, I said nothing. It was hard to feel sympathy for such a crude and awful human being. “So, instead of throwing him in jail his internal punishment is to join the Recon corp?” He snickered quietly, like it was some sort of joke. “Levi doesn't like people, namely his higher ups.” Erwin explained, I listened as I tugged on my boots. “I believe that’s why he’s being such an ass to everyone.” I turned to look at him under my eyelashes “Then, why do I have to teach him to respect us, you cant change a person like that.” I said mounting my horse. Erwin did the same and we started back “Well, I came out here to apologize to you for making you take him on.” He said.

I snorted quietly, rolling my eyes “Well, obviously there’s nothing we can do now. I don’t really mind, I've worked magic before like you said.” Erwin and I  had an interesting relationship, we hated each other most of the time but got along sometimes. I guess that’s what happens when your in the military together and seen most of the people you've come to like die. It would be impossible to hate my commander really, I just liked teasing him.

By the time we returned to camp it was dark outside but there was a group of young ladies huddled in a circle “What’s going on?” I asked, dismounting my horse and going over. They quickly hid whatever they were ogling at “N-Nothing Ms.!” Stammered one, I saw one of the girls shove something that looked like a toy into her pocket. I held out my hand, doing the little ‘Give it here’ gesture with my figures.  The girl held out a locket, actually. It was silver with a emerald in the center, she looked upset as I examined it. “Please, Ms. Don’t take that, its my only memory of my fiancé” She said on the verge of tears. I smiled at her handing the girl back her necklace. “Put it on, it’s the best way to not lose it.” I said to her brushing past her my eyes traveling up the stone palace and spotting a flash of black vanish from one of the windows.

I went inside and down to the dining hall, Petra walked over to me holding two cups of tea in her hand she handed me one the cups the salmon haired girl sat down and gestured for me to do the same, I did taking a sip of the cup of tea. “I wanted to thank you, for what you said to me.” I looked at her over the steaming liquid.

“What you said, It really made me reconsider my fears.” She said, I noticed the young woman with the glasses who had spoken me the day the trainees arrived watching us. I said nothing and pretended I hadn't seen her, Petra continued.  “I want to do you a favor, maybe I could talk to Levi for you.” I snorted slightly, slipping at the tea as the steam lifted up from the cup and into the dining hall air. “I doubt it would do any good Petra.” I said “He’s a stubborn ass, and I wouldn't suggest getting involved with him unless you really want to.” I said to her, the girl smiled her brown eyes twinkled. “I want to help you Ms.Alya, You helped me so its only right if I help you.” She said, I chuckled slowly. Lowering my eyes to the table “Thank you Petra, do what you can but I doubt it will help.” I finished the tea and got up going upstairs and leaving Petra on her own.

I closed my eyes as I entered my room, I'd left the window open and the breeze was lovely. I went to the window, letting the white currents swirl around in the moonlight. I leaned down on the stone windowsill, looking out into the wall that was bathed in iridescent light. I sighed, removing the various straps I had layered pretty much everywhere. Sitting down in my bed, dressed only in my white tank-top and shorts I slept in. I closed my eyes, flopping backwards. And drifting off, dreaming of a world where we where not confined.

By walls. 

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