Chapter Seven- Questioning

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Chapter seven

I blinked, looking up and to my surprise everyone had already left. I walked as best I could, trying to limp as little as possible. I went to the Rucker house-hold first. Finding it by asking a group of young villagers, a small house near the wall. It was pretty nice, two young girls where outside playing in the small patch of grass that was qualified as a yard in the jam-packed city. They looked up in surprise as I approached, racing inside as a young woman approached me. Her haired pulled back in a neat black bun, she smiled. “You must be the Recon core we sent for.” She said. I nodded. “Indeed ma'am, care to tell me whats going on.” I asked. The woman remained quiet for a moment then began. “Well, the other day I was outside in wall Maria looking for our dog who had ran off.” I noticed a little white canine laying in the sunshine behind her.

“And I saw it, a four meter one in the distance but it made no movement, it just stood there from what I could see…” She trailed off, I frowned “Are you sure?” She nodded. “I believe so.” I felt the fear rising in my throat but I swallowed it like a dose of nasty medicine.  “Thank your for your time ma'am.” I said shortly, turning to go and find the next group of people. I found there house on the corner of one of the cobblestone roads. A young boy was outside, he looked tired panting and sitting on the ground. While a little girl was standing above him, her red scarf being blown back by the soft breeze.

Her eyes where dull and gray while she stared down at the kid. “Mikasa, its not fair! I'm supposed to be the stronger one!” Whimpered the boy. I listened in silence for moment, I could see the back of this child his shaggy brown hair flowing in the same breeze that was disturbing this Mikasa red scarf. The young girl looked up and spotted me, her eyes widened only slightly. I moved towards them as the boy looked, his eyes filled with stars almost as he saw the patch on my shoulder. “Recon core!!” He gasped, scrambling upward and racing over. –

Hanji POV

I was interrupted yet again by the brown haired shifter, his eyes had filled with the same wonder Alya had described. “What, so I met her!?” He sputtered, Mikasa looked at the table. “We did, I remember that, she never mentioned her name.” Said the girl, I waited for them to finish. “Hmhm. Don’t you remember?” I asked him, the boy looked at the table for a moment. “I don’t remember much of my childhood actually, after… what happened. I've tried to suppress memorys.” He admitted, I touched his hand that was laid out on the table. “Don’t do that, it will only hurt you in the long run.” I said, trying to offer my comfort. I noticed Mikasa giving me a odd little stare as I did this but she said nothing and I continued the story.

Alya POV

The boy stopped and looked up at me, wonder on his little face. I smiled “You must be one of the Yeagers, may I speak with your father?” I asked him. Hiding my limp as best I could but it was starting to get difficult. Mikasa was eyeing me with uncertainty but she led me to the ajar door “Mum!” She cried “Some ladys here to see you.” I opened my mouth to tell her I'd ask for her father but it was to late, a tired looking woman walked outside dressed in a apron and her hair down around her shoulders. “Ah, you must be who we reported to.” She smiled. “Its nice to meet you. I am  Kalura Yeager” She said, bowing only slightly to me in respect. I put on a fake smile to appease her, the pain was killing me. “Nice to meet you.” I said. Not giving my name, I saw no point in it. “I am here to meet Eren yeager, the report was sent in by him. Is he here?” I asked, peering around her looking for the father of the children.

The little boy who stood by his mother’s side piped up. “I'm Eren.” He said. I blinked “Well…” I trailed off, not sure how to deal with that. There was the sound of footsteps behind me and I turned to see an old man walking up the cobble stone road, his hair was long and brown with circular glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He had a soft face, he looked like a kind man. The man spotted me and a confused flicker came to his eyes but it vanished as quickly as he was walking. He approached us the woman greeted him with a smile and a kiss. “Hello Miss, how can I help you?” He asked. I turned “You are this boys father yes?” I asked. Suddenly he turned quite pale, a look of silent shock. “I've been getting reports of a Titan spotting in these parts, a report came in from this little boy.” I said. The man relaxed slightly. “Ah, well. I think he must have gotten into my letters.” He chuckled lightheartedly.

I didn't buy it. Something was off here, and I knew it. I just nodded “Ah, keep a shaper eye on your children please.” I said then turned to go, leaving the family standing by the door my limp started to act us again but I ignored it and walked the normally the best I could. I returned to the gate where the horses waited, the others were still out so I walked into the field and sat down in the thick green grass, the wind shifted and danced in the breeze. I played with a small flower that was blooming at my foot, picking at the petals of the thing. It was a little yellow flower, with only four petals. I recalled seeing one of these in my mother’s journals. She had collected flowers in her book and wrote about them. I believe… this was a buttercup?

 I picked the flower and laid back against the ground holding it above my face and studying the creature. She had written something about it, if you hold one under your chin and your chin turns yellow you had a love of butter. I chuckled softly, what an odd flower. I set my hand down and let the flower role out of my fingers onto the grass. I rolled onto my side and curled my hands under my head closing my eyes and the pure serenity of the place sent me into a dreamless sleep. 

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